20- Winter's here

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Xander's POV

All the leaves lay on the ground, covered by thick white snow as the trees stand naked. The castle grows colder by every passing day as many pets catch colds. Outside big and white snowflakes fall from the sky making it hard for me to see the city just below. 

While I curse the snow, Aurora sits on the window bay with wide eyes as she stares at the whiteness outside. She's like a kid on Christmas day, exited over something meaningless. I look out the window with her, darkness covering the sky even though the clock just hit three. A longing sigh leaves Aurora's lips as she watches the snow fall from the thick clouds above. 

Hmm, maybe we could  take a walk outside. It wouldn't hurt and Aurora could finally stop that annoying sighing. Although Aurora doesn't have winter clothing and I don't want her to get sick, that would mean taking care of her. I could let her borrow my jacket, it's not like I actually need it. 

I walk over to my closet and grab my winter jacket before walking out and tossing it towards Aurora, she flinches away as the jacket hits her. Her eyes stare at me, wide as tennis balls, confusion written all over her face.

"Put it on, we're going to the garden." 

Not a single question follows my words. She simply puts the jacket on before walking over to the coffee table by the couches, on the table lays her collar. She quickly grabs it before putting it on. And so we leave the room, walking all the way down to the first floor and then out to the snow-covered garden. 

As I step out onto the snow, Aurora stays behind just... staring at the snow. Her eyes are wide and full of wonder. After a while, she steps out onto the snow as the door closes behind her. The cold bites her cheeks making them red. Aurora kneels down and touches the snow, playing with it. 

"First time you see snow?" I ask as Aurora nods her head slowly, still in awe by the snow. "Wait really?" she nods again.

I must say, I'm baffled. It never accrued to me that someone like Aurora, lived through 17 years without ever seeing snow, no wonder she was so fascinated by it. 

As I'm pulled away from reality by my thoughts something brushes against my leg, snapping me back. My eyes wander around the lit garden until I see a black and white border collie running around in the snow; Aurora. 

As I watch her run around, someone takes a spot beside me. I don't have to turn my head to know that it's Ethan. 

"I need to talk to you..." his sentence is interrupted by Aurora running full speed towards us before shifting into her human form and embracing Ethan in a hug, "but I guess it can wait," he mumbles, only loud enough for me to hear. 

"Ethan, I've missed you!" 

"I've  missed you too, Ari." They chuckle in unison at the nickname as Ethan lets go of Aurora. After a moment of silence, a smirk grows on Ethan's lips, "Let's have a snowball fight!" 

"A what?" 

"A snowball fight, you do a ball of snow like this..." Ethan explains as he shows her, "and then throw it at me." 

"I'll leave you two to it," I say as I walk away. 

I have better things to do anyway.

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