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Men, women and children ran across the once beloved and sacred grounds of Evermoon in a manic craze. The giant moon hung suspended in the air at its full apex, quiet and serene a complete stark contrast of the uncoordinated mess on the ground. The once glorious secret Royal gardens of the kingdom was incomparable to it's glory days. Trees that once bore fruit enough to feed the large kingdom of Evermoon now stood barren, rotting unable to feed the royal army let alone the people of Evermoon, the rose bushes that bloomed year round were now decaying taking its life force and energy that powered the kingdom along with it. The garden which was full of life was completely dry, causing pockets of small fires to breakout in the gated area, smoke rose stealthily within the air, cutting off senses.

The elders from the four houses stood side-by-side as a small figure was huddled within the mammoth-size Arbol del tule, her wings were expanded behind her as she whimpered. An unorganised line of witches, faeries, elves and dwarves stood before them impatiently, yelling, anxiously awaiting their turn.

Across from the large tree stood two podiums standing opposite from each other, two necklaces dangled with a shimmering crystal emanating light and power like never before, in between the podiums a beam of blue light emerged, a portal, large enough to fit bodies through. It was the only way she knew she could save her people, she made a deal. Hundreds of people had already stepped through, into the unknown, across to the other side. But she couldn't give up now, her people were counting on her, the pain grew excruciating she could barely lift her head, creating a portal of this magnitude alone was madness.

"They're breaching the perimeters of the garden, my Queen." The Elders of the Witches spoke.

"We cannot lose this war, Eldridge, Adrika." She coughed, "I can't hold it for much longer. I trust you both more than anyone you're the only ones who knows my secret, one was never meant to rule over the other, the fate of Evermoon is up to you, you must go."

"But my Queen..."

"Eldridge as your Queen, I order you to leave Evermoon."

Eldridge swallowed stubbornly but looked down at the Queen he had served for centuries.

"I have seen the outcome of this war, you must find him... Go!"

With that said, the gates to the Evermoon garden were breached and the enemy stealthily approached.

More panicked cries echoed throughout the remaining groups of people that were left on this side of the portal as they ran in opposite directions trying to flee magical and battle attacks, the portal began to wane as she grew tired, the people began to notice and all began jumping into the portal at once, belongings left forgotten on the floor, the Dwarf Elder stood in front of the Queen protecting her from attacks with his giant bronze axe flanked by her personal Faery Guards, whilst the elders of the Elves was sparring with one of the defected soldiers. Eldridge placed a soft kiss on the Queen's forehead before grabbing for his wife's hand and running into the portal. Once the Queen knew Eldridge was safe, she let go of whatever energy possessed her to create and sustain a portal of that magnitude for so long, her eyes drooped heavy with exhaustion before her eyes shut completely she noticed the garden was beginning to fight back, now that its life force wasn't being directed elsewhere. Vines grew out of the earth able to detect who was friend and who was foe, lifting them as if they weighed less than a feather and expelling them from the sacred grounds of the royal garden. She tried to lift a hand to help, show her gratitude to the garden but it was as if it knew, vines from the tree came up and slid around her, encasing her within the tree. The two remaining elders fought off who they could for as long as possible as well as the remaining witches, faeries, dwarves and elves. Once the enemy had been purged, the gates to the garden sealed shut, fading once more from vision to those on the other side. The elders weary from their fight turned in search of their Queen and were horrified at what they found. The Queen sat marbleised in the confines of the tree, there was no alternative way out, no other escape route. They were stuck.

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