Chapter 18

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Frankie stared blankly at Grandma Claire, is she expecting me to know who that was or is? She thought. Her head was spinning, and Grandma Claire talking in circles wasn't doing anything to alleviate her rising frustration levels. Who was Ezstra? And how did he fit into all of this? She thought. Frankie longed for the days, where all she had to worry about; was when she had to hand in her next school assignment, or help a customer pick out the perfect remedies or crystals, or just goof around with her friends. She sensed a growing responsibility being forced on her, she neither asked for it nor wanted it, but yet it was still creeping, immune to her wants and needs. Her body tensed and her breathing hitched, she gasped then started taking small, short breaths quickly, and Lucas looked at her, immediately sensing something was wrong through the heartbeat of the vibrations, although they were both fighting really hard against its magnetic pull. Grandma Claire placed a hand on her knee, using her gift to ease her mind and to stop the rising panic attack that surely would have ensued. "Shhhh, my dear." She cooed. "Everything will be alright, you are protected and loved. By the Stars and Moon."

Lucas twitched beside her, confusion written all over his face, he seemed as if he wanted to come closer but thought better of it.

"This is all just a bit too much." She said thoughtfully. "Is there anything else I need to know? Like whoever Ehz-s-tra is?"

"There is so much you don't know Frankie, I don't know where to start. But for now, I think you're going to have to ask Edeline, or at least seek her past." Grandma Claire said gesturing to the vial that hid beneath her top. "Or read her diary. But yes, I have reason to believe that he has now grown strong enough to break free of Edeline's banishment, but the prophecy spoke of someone who could banish him forever – I have reason to believe, that's beginning too..."

"It's already begun Grandma, Edeline told me and Lucas."

"What were her exact words child?!" Grandma Claire asked anxiously.

Frankie tried to quickly remember the exact words Edeline said to her that night. She scrambled her brain for what she said, Edeline didn't really say much, or explain anything. "Something like, 'If I am here before you, it means it is starting. What you are destined for.' Then she just basically gloated about the prophecy being her creation and then recited with perfect recollect" she hammered on, angrier than necessary.

"She said you were the one she wrote about in the prophecy?!" Grandma Claire gasped, covering her mouth. "No, no, no, no. This is not good, Frankie have you noticed anything strange happening lately?" Grandma Claire stood up and started pacing the room, Frankie felt the suffocation of responsibility, again gripping her, reminding her that there was literally nothing she could do, but embrace it. Pull yourself together Francesca! Think! She thought, then chuckled, she called herself Francesca. A thought popped in her head.

"A girl at my school, I can't believe I didn't tell you – Priya, she got into an accident last week."

"Was it serious? Do I need to pay her a visit?"

"I had a memory and gave a Sayael bracelet to Callum to give to Priya."

"Thank the stars, no lasting damage. See psychically connected. I think I'm right about your new ability. Did she manage to see who it was?"

"She said it was a dark navy blue car, but it just sped off – they didn't even get a chance to look at the licence plates. But I think I saw the car today, I know who did it, it was Mr. Warwick."

"Is that the young man who lives beside Arnold?" Grandma Claire asked.

Frankie nodded. "He was also my English teacher."

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