Chapter 37

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"Is he gone?" Ruth said sidling beside her.

Frankie nodded her head yes as she closed his eyes, she checked for a pulse and it was faint.

"We need to tell the others, make sure they're okay." Frankie spoke. She stood up and looked to Lucas. "Are you okay?" She asked him.

He stepped closer towards his body. "I can feel it, calling to me."

He bent low and placed a hand on his arm and his hand began to move. "Lucas! How did you do that?" Frankie asked.

He didn't reply, he laid himself over his body and disappeared, his eyes began to flicker and his body moved.

"Whatever you're doing Lucas it's working!" Lucas's eyes reopened and he sat up, his senses overloaded.

"I'm me again!" He said patting his body down, Frankie enveloped him in a hug. She felt his body go limp and she pulled away and he fell back to the ground.

"How can that be?" Lucas asked from behind her.

Frankie turned around noticing ghost Lucas behind her, she looked between his body and his soul questioning and confused.

"His body must be rejecting him." Ruth confirmed.

Lucas tried to reconnect with his body and just as Ruth said, his body rejected him again.

"Where am I?" Voices were heard from behind. They all looked back and saw that everyone had come out of the cave. Callum's body was levitated behind them and Celeste and Priya were comforting each other, walking behind him. Rose looked sullen and everyone else mirrored her feelings.

"You did it Frankie!" Her mother spoke as she got closer.

"We did it" She said proudly, pointing towards Lucas and Ruth. She looked towards Callum's body and she felt an ache within her stomach, she felt guilty and at a loss, as if someone had chopped off her right arm.

"Amanda and Sam are going to get the rest of these kids home. We're going to head back to the house." Grandma Claire said.

Amanda and Sam ushered the confused teenagers through the forest, they would think of a cover story in the morning.

Frankie went up to Celeste and hugged her, they began to sob all over again.

"I'm so sorry Celeste." She mumbled.

The moon was beginning to make its descent lower to the earth and sunrise was approaching. The stars still seemed as if they were zoomed in, closer than they appeared. The Stellanova Constellation twinkled and a small clearing beside them lit up like a spotlight. Tiny grey confetti stars and crescent moons, flitted down from the sky, everyone watched as the confetti swirled upwards creating a human form.

"Frankie and Lucas, I knew you could do it." Edeline spoke. Grandma Claire, Leonora and Ruth walked forward in awe.

"You know the truth now Frankie and so does Lucas. Your love for Lucas and his his belief in you was the only thing that could stop him. I know this might not mean much, especially since the losses are great I am sorry for the pain he has caused you. For that I will bestow one gift. I can bring back your friend Callum..."

Celeste's head snapped in her direction, she wasn't paying attention to what was happening her only focus on Callum's lifeless body. "You can do that? Bring him back to life!" She demanded scrambling towards Edeline's projection.

"Or reunite Lucas's soul with his body." She continued. They all gasped. Celeste stopped in her tracks and tears welled in her eyes again, she looked to Frankie. Frankie didn't know what to do, she was torn; between her love for Lucas and her Love for Callum and Celeste.

She looked up to Lucas and although he had never said the words, she could see the love pour forth from his eyes. He was hers and she was his. "We'll find a way." She mouthed for his eyes only.

"Bring back Callum!" She shouted. Edeline bowed her head slightly then lifted her head to the sky raising her hands as she did so. She channeled the power from the stars and moon and directed at Callum's body. Callum's body began to rise higher into the air. They all looked on as his body eclipsed the treetops, a wind tore through where they were standing, picking up dust and dirt as it floated on the air. A light so bright poured into Callum's body, causing everyone to shade their eyes. A loud rumbling noise, sounded all around them like thunder and Callum's body descended back to the ground. Grandma Claire and Celeste rushed to his side once he was back on the ground and Grandma Claire checked for a pulse.

"There's a heartbeat!" She said surprised but smiling to herself. Celeste stood up and walked towards Edeline.

"Thank you Edeline! Thank you, thank you for bringing my brother back!"

Edeline smiled at her and directed her focus on Frankie and Lucas.

"That must have been incredibly difficult Frankie. Please don't lose hope, there is a way to reunite Lucas." Lucas had his head down and Frankie stood beside him, wanting to comfort him. "For that you must find the Queen. She's the only one who can help him now. But for your selflessness I will give you one more gift." Edeline pointed towards Lucas and a shot of grey crescent moons and stars darted towards him, hitting him square in the chest.

"I know all too well, what it's like to miss the touch of a loved one." Frankie was confused.

"Find the Queen!" Edeline spoke and with that she faded away and her crescent moons and stars floated back up towards the sky.

"So that's the Great Edeline?" Callum spoke.

"Callum!" Celeste exclaimed and threw herself onto him in a hug.

"Ow, Cel! Easy." He gasped.

"I'm sorry. You were dead, I thought I lost you." She began to cry again.

"It's okay." He said comforting her. Priya stood to the side watching and they both locked eyes on one another, she walked towards him and joined in the hug.

He looked around at everyone, "How did we end up in the forest?" He asked and everyone laughed, breaking the tension. 

Still holding hands, Lucas gently squeezed Frankie's fingers. Looking down at their interlocked hands she knew there was nothing that would stop her from reuniting Lucas's soul to his body. By the stars and moon, she was going to find the Queen. 

                                                                         ~ The End ~

Thank you for sticking with me till the end, I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I urge you to comment & vote and share.

Frankie and Lucas's journey will continue in the second instalment of Evermoon, which will actually take place in Evermoon this time. We'll learn more about the Queen and Lucas's past as Frankie and Lucas journey across two realms in search of answers to once more reunite Lucas's soul with his body. 

Watch this space!

All the best,

Jordi Heaven <3

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