Chapter 27

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Frankie found herself standing in a room that had become familiar to her, her bedroom in the attic. 

It was decorated in cream wallpaper patterned with brown swirls, with a dark ruby red carpet that oddly complimented the oak furniture, which dotted the room. The bed was neatly made and nothing was out of place. She walked out of the room and went down the stairs. The hallway was also decorated in wallpaper a deep brown, a big contrast to the magnolia walls they had now. She continued down the stairs, noticing just how different the 19th century was. She walked into the kitchen and the first thing she noticed was a large fireplace which dominated one wall, it was lit and crackling as it heated a black cauldron that hung from a hook. 

Above it, pots and clay jugs lined the ledge and cooking utensils hung from the walls. She walked around the large table that occupied the room, covered in plants, flowers and vegetables, closer towards the cauldron, noticing it was boiling and bubbling, but no one was around. She glanced towards the adjoining room, seeing a shape sitting in one of the rocking chairs, she walked closer towards the rocking chair recognising Edeline. She looked to be in the middle of creating something, as she was holding two knitting needles. But she was staring out the window, her face was blank and her stare was empty. This did not look like the woman, Frankie had come to respect and grow to love. She looked, gaunt and thin as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. Her skin was paler than usual and dark circles clung under her eyes. Her once golden red curls, lacked its usual luster and now looked coarse and dry. Frankie looked into her eyes and she felt it, she felt the heartache, the shame, the confusion and the hope. She understood. She betrayed the ones that believed in her, she had nothing left now. Frankie felt her despair and her anguish, but it looked as if she had just given up.

The door closing, sounded in the distance and Emilia and Caleb walked into the kitchen.

"Edie, the cauldron!" She said, using a cloth she removed it from the hook and placed it on the table.

"Edie! Edie... Edeline?" She called walking towards the rocking chair. She bent down and placed a hand on Edeline's.

"You're so cold, Edeline! Have you eaten?"

"Emilia, what are you doing here? I thought you and Caleb were to check the wards."

"Yes, we've just returned. We have it under control. The wards are strong, we can see them but they can't see us." She said placing a blanket round her shoulders.

"They've been here for weeks now, they've been searching for something. They don't look as if they want to harm us." Caleb said.

"They wear the colours of the King, Caleb. We can't trust them." She retorted.

"Edie, you really need to eat something. If not for you..."

"What about their Leader?" She interjected, ignoring Emilia.

"He doesn't seem to leave the ship. So not much intel on him."

"Emilia, stop fussing over me. I am fine. I can take care of myself." She snapped placing the remnants of the knitting on the table and Emilia looked hurt.

"Now, do you think they'll be here much longer?" She asked directed at Caleb.

"From what the Faeries have told us, they appear as if they are almost complete in their mission."

"Thank you Caleb, Emilia. If you'll excuse me, I think I will lie down." She walked past them through the kitchen and lingered. "Anything about him...?" She inquired stammering, her back towards them.

"After all he has done to you and this family - " Emilia sneered.

"No, no one has reported him." Caleb quickly stepped in. With that Edeline squared her shoulders and walked up the stairs, all the way to the attic. Caleb and Emilia had started arguing downstairs and Edeline laid on her bed, trying to block out everything. She waited to hear for the door and signs of them leaving the house. Once she was satisfied, she got up and placed on her cloak. She wanted to get a closer look of these strange men from the huge ship docked on Blairs Hollow shores.

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