Chapter 20

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Grandma Claire rushed to Frankie's side at once instantly checking for a pulse, sensing Frankie's energy already. She already knew what was happening to her, she just needed to get Frankie back home as quick as possible, preferably without too many questions. "What the hell just happened?" Callum said rushing beside, them, followed by Rose and Celeste.

"Hush boy! Help me get Frankie to the car, questions later." She said, hoisting Frankie's unconscious body up right and Callum helped her get Frankie up to her feet. Lucas watched on as Grandma Claire and Callum both carried Frankie out under the shoulders, down the stairs and out onto the field, Grandma Claire had placed a Mirror Shield spell over them, to help them manoeuvre through the crowd undetected shielding them from onlookers. He muttered under his breath in Spanish, he couldn't help her, not in the way that she needed him, but he could, he thought glancing at Callum. He didn't understand why but this made him feel sick, which only made him angry with himself, so he shook it from his mind, he noticed Rose and Celeste had walked onto catch up with Grandma Claire and was now joined by another friend, he believed to be Priya.

He went over to the car, where Grandma Claire and Callum were just approaching. "Help me put her in." She said to Callum, manoeuvring round to open the door and lay her across the back seat, she closed the door and ran over to the driver side. "Lucas meet me at the house." He nodded, disappearing before hearing the rest. "If you want to come to the house, you're more than welcome, but you should stay and enjoy the celebration I'm sure your parents will have some questions, please use your discretion. She will be safe." She directed at Callum, and the others and just like that, she reversed out and sped away, up, in the direction of home.

As soon as Grandma Claire reached, the old Victorian house on the hill she pulled into the drive, and got out of the car barely remembering to put the car in neutral. "Leviation" She spoke and a light blue trail of little crescent moon and stars floated its way to Frankie, wrapping and enveloping her in a sheen, sliding her from the car seat and through the open door, slowly, moving her towards the living room. She chanted under her breath, pushing the sofa's back flush against the pale blue coloured wall with her other free hand, moving the furniture out of the way setting up a small area to place a bed and medical supplies. She levitated Frankie to the bed and laid her gently down. She knew there was nothing else she could do, once the Ruhmra transformation took place, so she put Frankie under a deep sleep, in hope to give her body and mind time to repair itself.

The sun began to set and with it bought the visitors. Grandma Claire was busy fussing over Frankie, mopping at her forehead with a damp cloth, whilst Lucas sat on her other side and watched on, reading through the books and notes from Arnold's books. The first visitors were Amanda and Sam. "Hi Grandma Claire, we've just come to check on Frankie, may we come in?"

"Oh Amanda its so lovely to see you - please come in !"

She took them through to the lounge and took up her seat beside Frankie's bed. "Make yourselves comfortable, as you can see our sleeping beauty is down for the count. Would you like something to drink or eat?"

"Just some water would be good, thanks" Amanda replied sitting down on one of the sofa's as Grandma Claire went through to the kitchen. "Hi again, Lucas." Amanda spoke.

Lucas looked up from one of the books and hesitated to reply. She can see me? he thought. "Come now Lucas, no need to go all shy." She said smiling up at him reassuringly.

"How can you see me? Are you a witch?" Lucas asked.

"What's he saying?" Sam asked Amanda eagerly.

"What's who saying?" Grandma Claire asked walking back in with a tray of food and drink.

"Lucas." Amanda directed at Grandma Claire. "Ah, I see. You can see him? I sensed a strong power from you, but yet not a witch." Amanda smiled, "Lucas was just asking the same thing, I am not a witch, no." She said smiling. "I can see and communicate with the dead. I help those stuck on this plain move on to the next." she said seriously.

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