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The days began to roll into one and the end of the week was steady approaching. Lucas and Grandma Claire continued watching over Frankie, it had been five days since the incident at graduation, since Frankie woke up and fell back into unconsciousness, Frankie was still sound asleep, with her little snores as testimony to her still being alive. it was past the recommended time in Arnold's notes and both Grandma Claire and Lucas were at a loss - apart from Arnold's notes, there was nothing they could do or read about at this point, but wait until she woke up again. In those few days, Callum, Celeste and Rose visited every day to check on her, having got used to Lucas now, they all just came and went as they pleased - with Amanda and Priya also making surprise appearances now and again.

Today, Grandma Claire decided it was time to make an appearance at the Emporium, she had closed up shop ever since Frankie began her Rhumra, however this didn't hinder the residents of Blairs Hollow, as some regular customers would either just show up unannounced at her front door or place an order online, which she had been putting off and found that a long list of orders greeted her from her emails. She left Lucas alone in the house with Mr. Pebbles for company to watch over Frankie, she knew she would be in safe, loving hands. As she left for the day, she made sure that the magical barrier was still sturdy and surrounding the house, providing it with little extra juice just in case. She packed up her car with inventory for the shop and sped off down the hill.

When Grandma Claire declared she would be opening the shop today, leaving him in charge of Frankie, he was more than happy to oblige, what with his busy schedule. As he watched Grandma Claire leave, he turned to Frankie and studied her for a moment. He always felt a serene calm wash over him, whenever he watched her sleep, the steady rise and fall of her chest as she took in soft breaths of air, the way her soft lips puckered gently as she whimpered slightly, the way her hair cascaded over the pillow in wavy rivulets. She looked so beautiful to him in that moment, he drew in a painful unnecessary ragged breath and memories of Edeline danced along his periphery, moments shared, time spent together, but memories of him and Frankie began to eclipse this.

"Meooooow!" Mr. Pebbles cooed, as he sashayed around Lucas's legs. He laughed to himself, "I miss her too." He said speaking to Mr. Pebbles.

As Grandma Claire, pulled up outside the Emporium, promise of rain lingered in the air and the ominous dark clouds ahead confirmed the weather prediction. She quickly rushed into the shop, turning the closed sign over to open, carrying the inventory inside with her. She set the box of goodies on the side and went to the back to set down her keys and other personal items, on her way back she noticed a small white envelope lying on the floor in front of the back door, she bent down to pick it up, turning it over she noticed the seal of her coven - a golden circle with a star in the middle and two crescent moons on either side. Walking back to the front of the store she broke the seal of the letter and began to read. The letter was from Ruth her coven sister, announcing that she would arrive for the Summer Solstice ball, which was happening in a few weeks, she also mentioned that she felt something changed in the air, but would discuss it further when she arrived. This worried Grandma Claire slightly, she could feel something changing too, if her coven sister Ruth could feel it, then something was definitely brewing. She folded the paper and placed it in her purse, she would respond to that later. The bell above the door chimed and in came her first customer.

The day continued in a similar fashion, customers would come in, grateful they could finally stock up on their natural remedies and potions. Grandma Claire had just finished boxing the last of her online orders when the doorbell chimed again.

"Hi Claire" Mr. Warwick said.

"Hello there, Marcus. How lovely to see you? How are you?" she replied, as she finished writing the last item sold in her inventory book.

EvermoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang