Chapter 25

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Frankie was back at Stars and Moon Emporium, from the decoration of the shop she knew she was still in Edeline's memories. It appeared to be closed as the curtains were still drawn, she looked through the curtain and saw it was still night time, faint knocking could be heard coming from the back, she found herself drawn in that direction and went to see who it was, by time she reached the back, the knocking had become incessant, she tried to open the door, but her hand just fell straight through, before long footsteps echoed down the stairs and Edeline rounded the corner, she was in a robe over her nightgown and she struggled to wrap it tight around her before reaching the door. She yanked the door open, about to yell at whoever was knocking so late in the night when she saw it was Rika.

"My goodness Rika, are you okay?" She said ushering her in. Rika gasped for air, but moved inside quickly closing the door behind her.

"I flew as fast as I could, the Queen sent me to warn you."

"About?" Edeline asked as she paled, "Come, lets go upstairs you must be thirsty. Where are my manners! Let me pour you a drink."

"There has been an another attack." Rika blurted out as they walked up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Where?" Edeline asked as she busied herself with the water jugs and cups. "St Mark's, they have finally come for us from the mainland."

"Who? The witch hunters?"

"Yes, they found us, the Queen has spies all over this land, she has ordered all faery folk to remain in hiding, but she sent me to warn you."

"I can't believe they've found us again." Edeline said, slumping into the wooden chair at the table, "If my Papa, was still with us he would be have us packing our carts and moving us on to the next town."

"You can't leave now Edie, the power here in Blairs Hollow is too great, some one needs to protect it. The Queen has bestowed that honour to you and your bloodline."

"My bloodline, you have cursed my whole line?! You know, I no longer carry the heir." Edeline spoke softly, resigned to her fate. Frankie gasped in understanding.

"Edie" Rika cooed, placing a hand on hers, "I'm sorry, how insensitive of me." But Edeline stood up, kicking the chair back. "Rika, that was in the past. We have a job to do presently. I will round up my coven and all those who can help, to prevent the dangers from reaching Blairs Hollow." Rika looked on in admiration, she had been friends with Edeline ever since their family settled in Blairs Hollow, the Queen had always talked of a family of great power and determination and for all that has been thrown her way, Edeline has handled it with much ease, grace and authority.

Edeline clicked her fingers and paper and pencil appeared, writing an emergency message she threw it outside the window and it soared in the air, before combusting into tiny embers of light, she turned to look back at Rika and scribbled quickly on a few more pieces of paper and threw them outside. "Now we wait." Edeline said. A few moments later, a crack of lightning appeared outside the window and something slid through, Edeline bent to pick it up and opened up the letter, it was from Alice - Caleb and I, are on our way.

Half an hour later, Stars and Moon Emporium shop floor was bursting with life of all magical creatures, all the furniture had been pushed back to make room for everyone to sit down, Frankie had never seen so many magical beings in one place before, it was beautiful to see the peace and unity they all once had. Frankie could spot Emilia and the man she stood next to as Renaud, Caleb and Alice were also standing near the front. 15-30 people occupied the room, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement laced with fear.

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