Chapter 22

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Frankie was finally feeling well enough to sleep in her own bed, so she made her way up the stairs - stiffly, with Lucas and Mr. Pebbles in tow. When she reached her room, she first went over to the mirror to look at her new look. A few moments later, Lucas stood tall behind her. "Frankie, your eyes are different. They are lighter. They are beautiful" he said moving closer to her, hypnotised by her eyes, the heartbeat vibration, picked up in speed thump-thump, thump-thump, getting stronger and deeper, lulling him like a siren, he found himself leaning forward, closer to Frankie, close enough to run his wide hands along her shoulders, to caress her soft skin around her collarbone and tenderly massage down her neck, he shook his head, aware of his surroundings and stepped back awkwardly. What is wrong with me? he thought and he went to stand in front of the window, staring up at the night sky filled with winking stars.

"Thank you", she said shyly noticing the change in him. "I think I'm going to have a bubble bath. I'm sure I smell" She said trying to re-lighten the mood. She gathered her toiletries and left Lucas brooding by the window, she made her way down the stairs to the main bathroom on the first floor, she drew herself a bath, making sure the temperature of the water was just right, before dunking half a bottle of soap to create a foamy lather of bubbles. She immersed herself into the bath and relaxed, the water felt nice and warm against her skin, sensual almost and she looked down at the reminder that still hung from her neck, the vial. She scrubbed away five days worth of grime, although she knew Grandma Claire tried her best with the sponge baths, she stood up and bent down, to release the water and a noticeably strange feeling snaked its way up her hands and around her arms, she felt something calling to her, in that moment, a flow of water shot up, squirting her in the eye, she straightened and the flow of water continued, higher, splashing the ceiling, she tried to place her hands over the shoot of water, then another one behind her splashed on her back, shooting up to the ceiling. Oh stars! she thought. She tried putting a hand on the other strand of water, when she did so a third strand of water shot up towards the ceiling, the water was now beginning to drip everywhere and soak the bathroom floor, she didn't know what she was doing, or how she was doing it, she just wanted it to stop! She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, focusing on the water, she could feel its power, humming around her legs, dripping along her body, pushing deeper with her mind she felt as if she could feel a switch to try and turn it off, using her minds eye, she tried to visualise the water switching itself off. The more she focused trying to flick the switch, the more the frustration grew and with it, more strands of water shot up towards the ceiling, the bathroom floor was completely submerged in water now and she still couldn't grasp how to turn it off.

Bang! Bang! "Frankie, is everything okay in there?" Grandma Claire asked, knocking on the door. Frankie sent a twinkle of teal-jade green stars and moon to the door, unlocking and allowing Grandma Claire in. Grandma Claire entered and water rushed by her out the door leaving wet patches everywhere and soaking her feet at the same time, a towel floated across the room to cover Frankie's modesty as she stood there among the flowing rising strands of water with her hands outstretched trying to stop them from going any higher. Grandma Claire laughed to herself, "Oh Frankie, you've been awake five minutes and you're already causing mayhem!" Frankie blushed. "Now that you have awakened, so to have your elemental powers" She said, as she raised her hands in the air like a conductor orchestrating an orchestra, the water that flowed by her out into the hall, reversed flow back into the bathroom and back to its source, the strands of water surrounding Frankie, began dancing in time with Grandma Claire, like a scheduled water fountain show, as all the wet surfaces became dry and the remaining water ran back to the bathtub as it slowly swirled its way down the sink hole.

"Tomorrow, we begin practice." Grandma Claire said, as she finished.

"Practice for what?" Frankie asked, standing awkwardly in the bathtub.

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