Chapter 7

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The energy in the air was buzzing as she made her way out of the classroom, she said her farewells and wished well to her classmates and their future - although she would see them all again anyway tonight at Founders Day. Blairs Hollow was really small.

Frankie stepped out to what could only be deemed fit on the scale of chaos, a strong 6. Sound erupted from one end of the corridor to the other. Students had littered the floor with old school papers they had been stressing over in the last year and white toilet paper. Lockers were smeared with what looked like cream and students were everywhere. Belle had to push past a lot of toilet paper to get to her own locker – not before stopping to admire some of the creativity someone had left on the locker beside hers. Clearing out her locker, she picked up her things and headed out of the building, trying to remain clean and not to touch anything on her way.

She breathed in the moist summer air and she smiled to herself, she was going to miss this place. Great memories were created in these halls and amazing friends. Frankie had loved high school and didn't understand why some people always said they hated it. Frankie wasn't over popular, and she didn't concern herself in those trivial matters, but in a small town like this where everyone knows everyone, it was hard to have a bad experience.

"Don't forget to come by the store later, say around 6ish?" Frankie reminded Rose as she walked towards the football field.

"Oh, and remind Celeste and Callum"

"I will do, see you later."

Frankie continued down the street in the direction of her grandmother's store.

"Hello, Frankie" Lucas appeared beside her. Frankie's insides melted and a dull vibration emanated in the small space between them.

"Hi Lucas, how are you today?" She tried to ignore the vibrations and continued as normal.

"I'm very well thank you, and yourself?"

"I'm good too"

"Did you have a good birthday?"

"It was really good thanks" She said not offering much.

"Frankie" He stressed, causing goosebumps to surface along her arms. "Are we really going to pretend nothing happened today?"

Frankie stopped walking, does he feel it too? She thought.

"You summoned me" He stopped thoughtfully. "One minute I was talking with Miss Claire and then the next I was in front of you."

Frankie stood there with her mouth forming shapes yet unable to form words, pulling her beanie tighter on her head she continued walking past the booths already erected and decorated ahead of tonights celebrations. After a few heartbeats she sighed.

"So what did you do all day?" She asked trying to change the subject

"I just watched Miss Claire make more potions and candles for the booth, and she even got me to help out a little." He responded, knowing eventually whatever was going on she would tell him.

"Really? I thought you would do something more exciting, frighten a few people here and there" she joked her go-to for deflection.

In front of Stars and Moon Emporium, Lucas turned to look at Frankie.

"Frankie, you know I try to live an honest life now. Yes, it may seem boring to you, but Miss Claire and you make it all worth it.

"I think my magic is acting up." Lucas remained quiet as he floated beside her.

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