Chapter 19

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A week had passed and it was the day of graduation. Frankie awoke with a start feeling for the grey vial around her neck, it was the first thing she touched in the morning and the last thing she touched at night, purely out of habit at this point. She hadn't seen much of Lucas lately it was like he had been avoiding her all week. The less time they spent apart the more she wanted to see him and feel the reassurance of the vibrations between them. She felt lighter when he was around and due to her lack of experience she tried to put it to back of her mind and really focus on what matters, like graduation.

Graduation was usually held outside on the school grounds, the majority of the town attended since everyone knew everyone and was pretty much marked as an unofficial holiday of the year. Frankie and Celeste were graduating top of their Class, along with a few other students. As Head Girl it was Celeste's duty to lead the graduating class in an inspiring speech about the past, present and future.

Frankie was just grateful she didn't get chosen for it, she was awful at speeches. She didn't have the charismatic charm, not like Celeste. She yawned, closing her eyes and stretching her arms up, waking herself up for today, when she opened her eyes, she noticed a slight stinging sensation behind her eyes and they started to water. Frankie stood up rustling Mr. Pebbles in the process and he ran off down the stairs, but she didn't follow him this time, she walked over to her full-length mirror attached to her wardrobe door and looked at her eyes, stretching the lids wide, she twisted her eyeball to the left and then to the right, before stopping short, a small dark crescent moon flashed, appearing in her left iris, whilst a small black star appeared in her right. She staggered back in shock, she needed to show Grandma Claire and Lucas.

"Grandma!" She shouted as she ran down two flights of stairs.

"What, what is it, dear?" Grandma Claire replied, as Frankie skidded to halt in front of the kitchen.

"Look!" Frankie demanded in excitement, as she pointed to her eyes, walking closer and thrusting her eyeball at Grandma Claire, "Rhumra!"

Grandma Claire put her glasses on, balancing them on her nose, she inspected further. "I have the mark, it finally came!" Frankie rushed out excitedly.

Grandma Claire inspected her eyes. "Ohh that's fantastic news! You've received the mark, your very own special birthmark of the Elements" she continued to twist Frankie's head left and then right, before noticing the mark in the right eye. "You have a second one?" She said rhetorically. She let go of Frankie's chin and backed away slightly looking over the rim of her glasses.

"Yes, both a star and a crescent moon! Don't you have both?" Frankie asked, her excitement beginning to wane.

"I have the mark of the star and only in my left eye." Leaning forward she lifted her own lids apart to show Frankie.

"How have I never noticed that before?" Frankie asked.

"The mark is quite faint to the untrained eye, just as yours are, you never really knew to look for it either. However, this is just the first step my dear, you still have the Suhmra – again this can happen at any moment." Grandma Claire reminded her. "Are you ready for today?" She asked as she busied herself, Frankie hadn't noticed, but Grandma Claire was already dressed in her Sunday best. She was wearing a beautiful light blue, calf length wrap dress.

"Sort of. It's quite surreal, we're finally graduating. No more school! What will I do with myself now?"

"You'll do what you've always done hun, no need to worry about that just yet, lets get through the ceremony first." Grandma Claire said reassuringly.

"I suppose you're right." Frankie said noncommittally, "I'll go and get ready."

Frankie didn't really pick out a special outfit for graduation, fashion and clothes were Rose and Celeste's department, it was the furthest thing on her mind with good reason - but she flicked through an old magazine that Rose or Celeste left behind, and copied one of the models pictures, with a snap of her fingers, she had transformed into a simple black dress. She neatly brushed her curls back into a tight bun securing it with pretty pearl ended pins, happy with her look she headed back downstairs to quickly eat a bowl of cereal, before they drove over to the high school.

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