Chapter 11

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They arrived at Ryan's house and it was pitched in complete darkness, except for the lights in the garden. They looked around and saw people loitering outside with a couple of beer cans in their hands and they decided to go inside.

They went through the side gate that led into his big back garden, complete with pool and deck chairs and there were several more people scattered around, talking amongst themselves. They went through the patio doors, and heard music coming from downstairs. With only the light emanating from the basement door to guide them, they slowly descended the stairs to the party. The party was in full swing, and was packed full of students from Blairs Hollow's only high school. The room was hot, but not too stuffy and everyone appeared to be having a good time, there was a small dance area created by a ring of bystanders on either side of those dancing in the middle, to the right there was a bar, fully stocked with alcohol but seemed to be locked behind a cabinet – no doubt Ryan's parents took the key with them. That didn't mean there was no alcohol at the party, there was a beer keg to the left of the stairs and bottles of vodka littered along the walls and on the floor with some people using it to play spin the bottle. It was your typical high school party, and Frankie took it all in.

Callum noticed Priya sitting down talking to her friend, "Catch you guys later?" he disappeared into the crowd without waiting for a response, heading towards her.

"Can you see him?" Rose asked distractedly. Ducking and diving as they delved deeper within the crowd. They walked towards the beer keg as they noticed a crowd gathering around it, as they got closer they saw Ryan upside down being egged on by the football team to 'down it'.

"Guess I won't be drinking beer tonight." Celeste said, looking for a spare vodka bottle on the floor. Rose didn't hear her, she was too busy enthralled watching Ryan as he guzzled down a healthy dose of beer. When his friends finally put him down, he burped loud enough and shouted 'WARRIORS!' as the whole team chimed in and joined in with the team spirit. Ryan walked towards Rose and kissed her full-on, on the mouth, claiming her in front of all of his guests. Frankie knew that she had lost Rose for the night, Celeste finally came back with some drinks and gave one to Frankie.

"If we're are gonna survive this party, you may have to finish what's in this cup"

Frankie looked down into the plastic cup full of liquid, Grandma Claire had always warned her about the dangers of drinking and she had pretty much steered clear of drinking whenever she was at a house party like this, but she thought why the hell not, it was her birthday and the last day of school.

"If you can't beat em', join em'" She said as she downed the contents of the cup.

Immediately after downing her drink, she felt the warm effects of the alcohol seeping through her as it scavenged through her body, warming every organ, muscle and limb. She felt invincible and asked Celeste if she could have another.

All the events that happened today, started to unravel in her mind, loosening slowly and disappearing into a void of the forgotten. Celeste handed her another, and she sipped on it, savouring the taste. They both decided to move into the middle of the room, as their favourite song came on, and both girls began to dance swaying their bodies in time to the music. As the night went on, Callum and Rose appeared next to Celeste and Frankie, they carried more drinks with them.

"To Frankie, the greatest teenage witch we know!" Rose squealed over the music.

"Shhhh! Someone might hear you" Frankie giggled, failing to remember how to whisper.

"To me!" Frankie shouted and all three friends joined in, bumping their cups together.

"How are you feeling Frankie? You seem to have drank quite a bit tonight." Callum asked worried.

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