Chapter 35

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Rose returned breathlessly with Ryan in tow. "We have seen nothing suspicious!" She declared and giggled. "Neither have we." Celeste said, scanning the crowds for her brothers whereabouts.

"That's good news, I will be right back. You guys stay here, I want to check something out. If anything happens, Grandma Claire and Ruth are here." Frankie said and she turned around and made her way through the dancing crowd and off the field. She walked in the direction of the Emporium. Her heart was beating fast and her footsteps matched pace. She had no plan and no idea of the spell Edeline used, she was going to proverbially 'wing it'. She kept looking over her shoulders in anticipation, although she knew practically everyone would be at the summer ball, but she couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched.

She approached the front door of the Emporium and thought better of it before walking round to the back door, she let herself in with the spare key they kept hidden and locked it behind her. The hallway was dark and cool and she felt safe, protected. She placed her hands along the right wall and felt her way along, she walked along, almost approaching the door that led into the store front, before she felt she was in the right place. She stood there feeling and pushing for any changes or slight differences, but felt nothing. She bent low to the skirting board and felt along there, still revealing nothing. She walked back and slid down the wall, exasperated. She knew she was in the right place, but she couldn't see how to access it. The last rays of sunlight filtered through the backdoor, casting shadows along the hallway, as it sneaked its way closer to Frankie, she noticed something gleaming out the corner of her eye. A stray silver confetti star, lingered and floated in the air like dust motes, Frankie followed its trajectory and she found what she was looking for. Placing her hand on the small crack, where the star floated from, she could feel the hum of power and her heart beat sounded in her ears.

"Edeline, I hope this is the way." She said a silent prayer.

She placed her hands on the wall and pushed with all her might, she remembered the feelings and emotions Edeline felt when she had to seal Lucas inside and she thought of the opposite of light and love. She closed her eyes and pictured Lucas, all happy memories of hers and Edeline's danced across her periphery, creaking noises sounded as if the door was made from iron and it hadn't been lubed for centuries. Panting from the force of her power, she opened her eyes and an old dark wooden door stood in front of her. She placed her hand on the doorknob and it was warm to the touch, turning the knob, the door slowly moved back of its own accord revealing stairs. She took the stairs two at a time, as she reached the landing, the heartbeat grew louder and she realised it wasn't her heartbeat she was hearing, it was that weird vibration that started happening on her eighteenth birthday.. The staccato of the heartbeat reverberated through her body, causing her teeth to chatter, the closer she walked towards the door. She could feel him, he was there and it renewed her energy.

She bent down to inspect the keyhole, the key protruded from the lock and was twisting itself like a minute hand on a clock. She saw the spell Edeline used and knew of it as Grandma Claire had a few items with the same spell. She whispered the spell to the key and it ceased moving. Tentatively she reached to unlock the key the rest of the way and she pushed the door open.

When she opened the door, she noticed the sun was no longer positioned in the centre of the sky it was slowly making its descent towards the northwest. The bedroom was exactly how she remembered it, with the few pieces of furniture, neatly pushed into place - except for the sleeping beauty who rested peacefully on the centre of the bed. She couldn't believe it, Lucas was actually here, in the flesh and solid. And solid he was. He looked different to the Lucas she knew and come to love, for starters he had grown a full beard and his curly hair was shaggy and overgrown. She walked towards him and kneeled on the bed, she swept his hair away from his forehead, like she always dreamed of doing and his eyelids fluttered slightly. She hovered her hand over his slightly and she dared to touch him again, this time sweeping her fingers ever so gently along his muscular arms. He was warm and soft and the vibrations stopped immediately. She picked up his hand turning it this way and that.

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