Chapter 23

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Mr. Warwick, descended the ladder and touched the ground, placing the dark cloak on as he meandered his way through the narrow walkway, he entered the cavern and walked towards the raised dais in the middle, he recited the incantation and waited for his Master to receive the command. When the static cleared in the middle of the large metal ring, he bent to one knee and bowed his head.

"Master" Mr. Warwick called.

"Marcus, you bring me good news?"

"Everything is going according to plan, Master."

"Ahh, good that's what I like to hear."

"She has also begun her Ruhmra"

Shouts and screams and rattling of chains, echoed along one of the corridors and Mr. Warwick ignored it.

"I see, what about the others"

"It was a little difficult to recruit people, but I think I might have found a way."

"Hmm, how so?"

"She started her Ruhmra in public, everyone apart from a few people collapsed and don't remember what happened. But those who remain, I might be able to use to my advantage."

"For a human Marcus, you have pleased me. Soon I will be released from this prison, this little rock won't know what's happening until its too late, we will be reunited with our homeland soon. If you please me right, then I just might return what is rightfully yours."

"Thank you Master, until my dying breath, I will find a way to release you."

"Of course you will." the voice replied. "Oh and Marcus, see if you can't persuade the prisoners to reveal any new information."

"What would you like me to do, Master."

"Torture the old fat one, he knows more than he's letting on. As for the other two," he sneered

"As you wish, master."

"Oh and Marcus, don't bother me again, unless you have what I want. You are replaceable after all." He cackled and the screen disappeared. Mr. Warwick rose from his kneeling position and stood up, he brushed his knees and walked towards the furthest archway on his left, his footsteps echoed around him as he slowly walked past empty cells, the shouts and yells got louder and more desperate. As he reached the end of the corridor, he stood in the middle of two cells, one cell had one person and the other held two, when he first began working with his Master, he didn't enjoy this part, he hated torturing people, but the promise of power and strength over powered this feeling, now he felt invincible and enjoyed very much hearing the vulnerable beg, for mercy. Whimpering came from the cell on his right, "Water please." she begged. "Silence! you pathetic waste of space." he threatened, raising a hand. Turning his back towards her, he walked towards the cell opposite and noticed a figure huddled up in the corner. He hovered his hand over a panel on the side of the cell and the invisible magic wall keeping them in, rose up and he stepped inside. "No, no, no, no, don't do this please. You don't have to do this!" She cried out behind him. As he approached the figure in the corner, he kicked him hard in the back, the figure lurched forward slightly crying out in pain, but didn't roll over. Mr. Warwick, kicked him again and again, before hauling up the figure to a standing position. "Arnold!" She cried, trying to use her magic to protect him, but it was no use, the cells were enchanted to prevent this. Mr. Warwick, dragged Arnold by the scruff of his collar out of the cell, as he was about to move on he fondled in his cloak pocket and threw a chunk of bread into the cell, "That should keep you quiet for a few days." He said as he walked down the corridor, dragging Arnold along with him. "I'll be back, for your husband" He called behind him.

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