Chapter 8

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As Frankie finished up her conversation with Dixie, she rushed into the shop, stopping to say hello to her Grandmother. She glanced up and her eyes met with Lucas's, and like in a game of chicken she avoided them and headed straight for the room towards the back, where she held her private sessions. She opened and closed the door behind her and quickly lit some candles before slumping herself in the head chair of the round table.

The private room was cold, yet it provided Frankie with a sense of warmth and security, she felt nowhere else it was like she could feel the presence of her family or even ancestors as silly as she thought that felt. She looked around at the decorations of the velvet fabric in gypsy-red, it had a beautiful swirling pattern that was neatly and deftly hand-stitched with a golden thread, it hung loosely from walls and complimented the natural dark-coloured oak furniture, antiques and family heirlooms were locked behind the glass-lined cabinets and in the centre of the room at the back, the Grimoire, the family book of spells, stood out proudly at the far end of the room, unopened and untouched.

Frankie laid her head on the table and began to think about everything. Why had the memory of her parents only come to light now? Why did the energy around Lucas vibrate all the time? Frankie needed to calm down. All this worrying and thinking would weaken her powers further, she already thought they were spacing out, she needed all the strength she could muster for tonight's revelations.

Placing what looked like a huge snow globe in the middle of the table and a deck of tarot cards, which her father hand painted as a gift for her mother, she hoped maybe the cards could provide her with answers to her problems. Although she didn't want to admit it, Lucas was taking the majority of the space in her head.

Since there weren't enough candles, she quickly headed back towards the front of the Emporium to gather some more supplies for the private room. As she walked down the corridor thoughts of shared memories with Lucas played in her mind.

When Frankie was in her fifth year of lower school, the other kids picked on her and bullied her for being different, the other kids didn't understand when she hid behind a wall or chose to stay behind during the breaks that she was actually spending time with Lucas. Despite having a great set of friends in Rose, Celeste and Callum, Frankie was too young to appreciate them or now that she thought about it to scared to confide in them, for fear they too would turn on her, so doing what children did best, Frankie refused to go to school. She had stopped talking to Lucas and erected a spell around her room to stop him from entering for a few days. Her parents were shocked to say the least; they hadn't realised that in a short space of time, Frankie at 10, was practicing magic much beyond her age. Where the power came from, left them all sceptical, but Lucas got the hint. When her parents had finally persuaded her to go back to school, Lucas never showed up, nor did he the days after that. She tried to convince herself that this was what she wanted and it was for the best.

When everything changed and she had to move in with her Grandmother, she thought she would get to see him more often especially because she remembers he was the one who saved her from her burning home, but he was always busy doing whatever it is he did when she wasn't around. She almost gave up on him.

As she got older, she started to understand why she used to get bullied in lower school; she understood what made her different and soon started to embrace her differences.

She knew she had hurt Lucas, his pride was hurt and his ego was bruised, but the emptiness she felt inside was her own doing, she hadn't realised how it felt to have someone other than her family, who was almost apart of both of her worlds, and she longed to have him be her ally again. After a few years of silence between them, she had finally apologised and hoped things would go back to the way they were.

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