Chapter 10

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"A witch?" Callum blurted.

Frankie nodded and continued talking, not taking their silence for fear for what she was. She placed the family Grimoire on the centre of the table and pulled out a map and placed it in the middle of the table. "This map is over 100 years old and has been in my family for generations. Although it is a map of Blairs Hollow to the untrained eye, it really is a map of magical lines."

"Magical lines?" Celeste asked.

"Yeah or ley lines for short. As we all know, Blairs Hollow was founded in the 1800's, but what you didn't know - it was actually founded by a group of witches or a coven, because Blairs Hollow sits perfectly in the middle of a powerful magical crossroad."

"So they wanted to use its power?" Rose asked.

"Yes and no. The coven at the time was led by my great great great – you get my drift - grandmother. Grandmother Edeline. She wanted to protect the land or rather protect it from other people using its great power, but there was a divide in the coven. Having heard about the Witch trials that were happening in nearby areas, some of the other witches wanted to use its power against those who wanted to harm us, whereas Grandma Edeline wanted to keep us hidden but protect the inhabitants on the settlement."

"Protect them from what?"

Frankie shrugged. "I guess themselves, other magical creatures."

"Other magical creatures" Rose mouthed to Celeste.

"Do you know where it is?" Callum asked.

"No, but I can feel it all around me. If I was at its centre, the power would be much greater than it is say here for example." Frankie continued pointing to the map. "The power is so strong, that magical creatures are naturally drawn to it – good or bad. Edeline realised this and wanted to ensure that it never got into the wrong hands, and my family have been protectors of Blairs Hollow ever since."

"So no one has ever actually used the magic?"

"I'm not quite sure, Grandma Claire never really went into detail about the story. I guess I never really asked."

"Wow! This is huge. My best friend is a witch!" Rose said.

"So that means everything in your shop is real?" Callum asked.

"Everything, the crystals, that charm, the potions, the spells – all real"

"So does that mean your Grandmother was actually reading my tea leaves?" Celeste spoke in disbelief, Frankie nodded her head.

"Oh my God! Does that mean you have powers?" Rose asked excitedly, bouncing off her seat.

"Show us!" Celeste asked.

"My specialty is mind reading" she said smirking.

Rose blushed, Celeste quickly looked at Callum and saw that he had gone pale. Frankie couldn't control herself; she started laughing and sat down at the table.

"I'm joking!"

Callum started laughing nervously, what did he have to be so nervous about? Frankie thought to herself.

"Don't worry Rose, no one needs to be a mind reader to know what you think about" Celeste joked as Rose tried to cover her face with her hands.

"No but really, I can see into the future. Well at least before today, I actually saw into the past."

"So that's how you always know what we get you on your birthday?" Callum asked, pleased of his detective work.

"Is that why you always look off into space sometimes, because you're having a vision?" Celeste asked

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