Chapter 28

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Edeline and the others watched in horror as Elthena took off with the crystal star.

"Follow her!" Edeline screamed at no one in particular. Rika, Drisi and Jon, changed into a faery and exited through the small hole in the ceiling to chase after her.

"Edie, what will happen if that star doesn't find a host?" Alice asked worriedly.

"Ezstra will be able to break free and continue this plan." She said matter of factly.

"So, not good then" Alice replied rhetorically. They ran down an archway trying to find their way out, and came out to the opening of the cave and the crashing waterfall. When they broke through the sheets of water, they could see colourful orbs off into the distance flying high. They appeared to have stopped moving as far as Frankie could see, but nothing more could be seen. They all ran towards it, bodies aching and exhausted from the last showdown. They walked along the rock cliff parallel to the forest with the moonlight guiding their way, the whole time their eyes focused on the bright orbs up ahead.

"Look!" Emilia shouted. "One's falling."

As they all looked towards the sky, they noticed a small orb was falling, they picked up their speed to find its location.

As they approached where they saw the faeries land, Rika, Drisi and Jon were surrounding Elthena who looked worse for wear. She was badly hurt.

"Give us the Crystal star and we'll let you live." Jon demanded. Elthena tried to stand, but her body was too weak and she fell again.

"Please brother, sister. Have mercy on me." She whimpered, feigning innocence.

Edeline walked towards them and looked down at Elthena, she made a grab for the star but Elthena rolled over, out of the way. "I'm not going to make this easy for you. If you want this star, come and get it!" Elthena ran with the star, as fast as her broken body would allow, she was healing but not fast enough. She released an orb, heated by fire, towards the group and they all dispersed.

The faeries countered, sending out pink, blue and red orbs in her direction. One hit her and she fell to the ground, for the second time. The star rolled out of her hand and Edeline bent down to retrieve it. The crystal star that was usually cool to the touch was beginning to warm. Time was running out, they had to hurry. "Why is she not dead? My intentions were to kill her when I used that magic." Lucas said and Edeline whipped her head in his direction. Lucas.

Without thinking, she walked towards him and the Star began to burn her fingers, "Host in my child." She echoed. Edeline pushed the Star into Lucas's chest and he screamed out in agonising pain, echoing throughout the forest. He dropped to his knees. His chest glowed brightly, right where his heart was and it dimmed.

"Noooo!" A voice sounded from behind them and an orange orb flew towards Lucas, causing his body to spasm and slump to the ground.

"He won't be able to host the crystal if he's dead." Elthena cackled before transforming into her faery form.

Edeline panicked and dropped to her knees, Lucas was panting, taking shallow breaths. His skin was clammy and wet with fever.

"I'm so sorry Lucas! It was the only way. You can't die. You have to live!" She cried. "There has to be a way to save him!" Emilia asked worriedly and the others mirrored her sentiment. Edeline wracked her brain with ideas and remembered the rest of the Queen's words. "Maybe one day love can save us all."

"Love!" She exclaimed.

"I can't give you the love you seek. But I know there's another out there who can. Until then..." She whispered and lightly kissed him on the forehead. Edeline stood up.

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