Chapter 32

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The next few days were a blur. The whole town was in a rush of excitement for the upcoming Summer Solstice. Those who owned their own businesses, donated decorations and prizes for the raffles, whilst others who could volunteered their time to help execute the Ball. It was going to be a grand affair; with homegrown organic food, live music, fireworks and competitions, hopefully even better than last years. Up until five years ago, Grandma Claire would usually volunteer to help with the preparations, but she didn't feel right celebrating the Summer Solstice without her daughter and Son-in-Law.

For witches and the rest of the supernatural community, it marked the beginning of the end. It celebrated the longest day of the year, the only time of the year where they relied on the sun for its strength, healing and rebirthing properties. It's when the harvests are bountiful and the days grow warmer before heading into the idyllic autumn.

Frankie had tried to find time to access the second floor of the Emporium, but between the summer solstice and the arrival of Grandma Claire's best friend Ruth she couldn't find a spare moment.

The Stellanova house was unusually busy, Grandma Claire refused to send Arnold back home, she wanted to keep him close so she could keep an eye on him - or that's the excuse she told Frankie. From what she could see, Grandma Claire and Arnold, had become very close these past couple of days.

Ruth was another house guest; Grandma Claire's coven sister. She was an air elemental and as eccentric as they come. When Frankie first met her, she wore a floor length dark skirt, a thick jumper and a brown outer vest which looked as if someone had attached extra pockets, she topped this off with a pair of aviation goggles - she never went anywhere without her goggles.

When Frankie tried to ask her about her goggles, Grandma Claire would 'shhh' her, or tell her to find something more productive to do. Although Ruth dressed like a nomad she was friendly and gentle and a huge fan of hugs.

Grandma Claire forced Frankie to practice her elemental powers whenever she could. Fire came naturally to her as that was her stronger element, then water, air and finally Earth. Grandma Claire showed Frankie how to use the element of water and Ruth showed her air. But most of all, Frankie hated Earth. Grandma Claire had given her a pot full of mud and told Frankie to make it grow. Frankie had been trying for weeks to sprout the seed, coming very close as a stem broke through the dirt. Ever since she awoke from Edeline's memories, she had been able to hone her elemental powers more. By witnessing Edeline and her coven use their abilities, she understood how to use hers.

By the middle of the week, Frankie was able to grow a full stem with leaves and a bud, but she couldn't make it flower. Grandma Claire and Ruth were handling the management of the Emporium, as everyone put in their last minute orders for the upcoming festivities. Lucas had stayed away ever since their last conversation and Frankie was beginning to miss the steady rhythm of the heartbeat, she wasn't any closer to discovering his body.


One afternoon, Frankie found herself alone in the house for the first time that week. She was looking for a distraction, from Lucas and her parents, she decided she would try to make the bud, flower. She pushed her hands towards the pot and tried to envision the bud slowly unfurling its petals, she stood concentrating for five minutes, channeling her magic and her feelings. 'the leylines and the power of a coven will strengthen your magic Frankie, but so too will your emotions.' Ruth's words echoed through her mind.

She couldn't feel anything happening and the way she was feeling emotionally she felt she could grow a whole forest. She began to grow weary, tiring from the use of magic, when an electric current ran up and down her spine and a tingly-pins and needle numbed her digits. She knew what this meant, she hadn't had one of her visions in a while, she closed her eyes and began her journey.

Frankie opened her eyes to a small clearing, protected by a rim of trees. She stood on dirt ground surrounded by small huts all alike. Children ran past in happy delight, chasing after each other, some women sat outside of their huts dressed in bright colourful fabrics, skinning animals and preparing food. Frankie noticed remnants of smoke billowing towards the sky, coming off from the centre of the small hut village. She wanted to walk towards it, see if she could find more people, figure out where she was, as she took a step in that direction, her body forced her forward, towards the hut she was already standing in front of. She gave up trying to force her body against it and unwillingly walked inside. It was just one room. There were no windows, except for small circle cut outs. There was no furniture, except for a small mat on the floor, which was occupied by two people sitting cross-legged and a small table. Herbs and wildflowers hung upside down on the wall, either to dry out or make the hut seem more homey. She walked towards the people sitting on the floor, both women. One had her back towards Frankie and her long grey hair cascaded down her back, covering her dark skin. The other, Frankie recognised straight away - it was Priya. The woman with her back towards her, stiffened and straightened her back, Frankie tried to walk around to see who this woman was, talking to Priya. The old woman waved her hand in the air and before Frankie had time to scream she was yanked back out of the hut and back into the present.

Frankie gasped trying to get a hold of her breathing then yelped some more when the hairs of Mr. Pebble's tail tickled as he sashayed between her legs. She didn't understand what just happened. Where was Priya? Did that woman know Frankie was there?

Frankie was so consumed with what she had witnessed, she hadn't noticed the plant had bloomed into an unusually green flower. She walked away, looking for her phone and called Callum.


"Hey Frankie, what's up?"

"Random question - have you seen Priya lately?"

"Ohh... no I haven't. She said she was going away for the week, she said she would be back in time for the Summer Solstice."

"I see..." She lingered.


"Oh no reason, just thinking about what happened whilst we were camping."

"Yeah she was really upset about that, she cried all night."

"Oh, I didn't know..."

"Is the plan still going ahead?"

"It's the only plan we have."

"It will work out Frankie. You are the most amazing person I know and I think if anyone can do anything, it's definitely you." He gushed. Frankie blushed.

"I hope you're right Cal."

"Of course I'm right. Frankie, you've got this!"

"Thanks, Cal. You always know the right thing to say."

"Anything, for you Frankie. I got to go, Celeste wants me for something. Speak later?"

"Sure, speak later."

"Lov-.. later." He quickly ended the call.

She threw her phone down onto her bed feeling much better for speaking with Callum. She didn't find out much information about Priya, but she would make her answer at the Summer Solstice. She looked to her windowsill noticing the green flower she managed to bloom and she smiled. A new plan started formulating in her mind, one that involved rescuing Lucas's body and she would do it on her own. 

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