Chapter 31

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Frankie gathered everyone in the living room and began telling them the story of Edeline's past. She ended it with the revelation of Lucas's body.

"But how can that be?" They all asked except for Amanda who sat with a knowing smirk on her face.

Lucas turned away and was quietly brooding to himself. He didn't know what to make of it himself. The images Edeline shared with him was beginning to make sense now, he realised they were his memories before he became this - ethereal ghost.

"So, Ezstra is your Great Grandfather. Well that's one messed up family tree" Celeste said.

"Celeste!" Rose chided.

"It's alright Rose. She's right in a way, I guess my family is messed up."

"This could be who the dead are warning me about" Amanda asked.

"But that can't be possible. He's trapped at the moment." Callum weighed in.

"The man who took me, seemed to be preparing for something. Leonora forced me to escape to prevent whatever it is."

"The star must be weakening." Frankie mumbled thoughtfully. "In Edeline's dreams, Ezstra had help from a Faery - she said she was the only one who could cast the spell."

"She must be dead by now." Celeste said.

"I don't know Celeste, these Faeries have a long history. Longer than ours." Grandma Claire spoke.

"I met a Faery on my travels, once." Arnold spoke and everyone turned to listen to him.

"Really?" Both Amanda and Rose said.

"Yes, she didn't look a day over 25 but she was well over 200 years old. Gave me some wonderful information on the faery world, it's in my notes."

"Do you remember her name?" Frankie asked.

"No but I know she was royalty, although she gave up that responsibility many years ago."

"We're back at square one." Celeste said frustrated, mirroring everyone's thoughts, before relaxing back in her seat.

"Let's not be too hasty, I'm sure we'll find something." Grandma Claire said, trying to reignite hope.

"At least we have the Summer Solstice Dance to look forward too." Rose chimed.

"But whoever kidnapped my Uncle, is still out there!" Amanda said, frustrated.

"Ahh, the celebration of the longest day of the year. Hang on, when is that?" Arnold asked.

"Next saturday." Rose replied.

"I can make my re-appearnce then." He said boldly.

"Arnold, whoever kidnapped you might be there." Grandma Claire spoke through gritted teeth, rubbing her forehead.

"Good, that's the plan. Whoever will be shocked to see me, kidnapped me."

"But Uncle, everyone will be shocked to see you. We all thought you were dead!"

"It might work." Lucas finally spoke.

"I just got my Uncle back, I'm not letting him be bait." Amanda spat angrily.

"I agree with Amanda. Arnold, it's too dangerous." Grandma Claire spoke.

"I appreciate your concern ladies. But everyone will find out soon anyway. Unless you have another plan?"

They all sat trying to think of a better plan, one where Arnold wasn't bait. They thought of nothing. Amanda rose from her position.

"I will not be a part of this, insane plan." She walked out of the room and through the front door and everyone watched her leave.

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