Chapter 17

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Nightfall crept in by time Frankie had returned home, Lucas had returned earlier leaving her to enjoy the rest of the afternoon with her friends. Weary from the day she kicked her shoes off into the corner and wandered towards the kitchen in search of food.

Grandma Claire and Lucas were talking as she rounded the corner, the vibration snuck up on her as she laid eyes on him, her breath hitched slightly remembering the moment he appeared earlier.

"Oh Hello Dear." Grandma Claire called beamed and just like that the moment flitted away.

"How was your day? Did you find out anything interesting."

Frankie took a swig of bottled water, eyeing the leftover chicken she took out from the fridge and started making a sandwich. Frankie could tell when Grandma Claire was fishing but she refused to be bait this time.

"I'm not sure, but I bought some books home."

Grandma Claire stopped what she was doing and stared at Frankie. "You can't still be mad at me."

"I wouldn't be mad at you if - " Frankie paused. She wasn't a child anymore and if she wanted to be taken seriously then she would have to show it.

"Can we just finally have that talk now? I'm 18, isn't that supposed to mean something for us?! If mum was here I'd know all this by now." Her voice cracked as a tear escaped. She didn't want to look in Lucas's direction, she hated him seeing her like this, but the vibrations was still there pulsing steadily in the background, even worse it felt like it was tinged with... pity.

Grandma Claire walked towards her and enveloped her in a hug and she allowed the tears to fall, they stayed like this for a few minutes before she gathered herself.

"You're right, it's time. Let's get comfortable" Grandma Claire patted her on the shoulders.

Grandma Claire waved her hand and a sparkle of stars and moon confetti poured fourth, causing the bottles that littered the table to move back into their original places, leaving the kitchen counters tidy.

Grandma Claire, looked down at her hands. "Frankie, I know you are upset with me but I did what I thought was best, before we go any further – you must understand that much." Grandma Claire nodded her head and placed a finger to her lips.

She quickly put a ward up around the house and light blue confetti of stars and crescents darted forward haphazardly around the house as it looked hungrily for space to settle. Frankie and Lucas sat staring at Grandma Claire as she frantically, pushed an invisible bubble over the house locking them in. When she felt sure, she ushered them towards the living area and they both made themselves comfortable, whilst Lucas sat on the floor skim-reading through the books they bought back.

"When you were little, we all knew you were destined for great things – quite literally. The colour of your eyes had already pre-determined that for you." Sensing her confusion Grandma Claire continued.

"All witches are born with the same magical capabilities, however there are only a select few who can control the elements. We in the Community call these select witches Elementals. In the Community our eye colour not only determines our abilities but also our power and strength. Those who can control the elements bare a birthmark in their left eye and their eyes although a variation of the natural human eye colours of Hazel, Blue, Grey and Green, are usually more uh, unusual. When a witch turns 18 and they happen to have Elemental powers, the awakening process begins and they receive an extra magical ability. Usually unique to that element."

"Your eyes are blue, so that means you have an extra ability."

"I have the ability to control water and the affinity too heal and to heal others."

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