7 - Sonic, Engineer, Planning

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The teen you clinged onto was Himiko Toga, your longtime friend. She was in kindergarten with you for a day, but you guys somehow always kept in touch. You always visted her, played with her, and shared cool secrects with one another. Thats how you both found out that you both where considered villains. You wanted your family back, and its not Himiko's fault her quirk is activated with blood.

You also found out that she is actually 3 years older then you, she took the blood of her neighbor to be in that form. But now she is in her original one around you all the time, plus her vessel died from blood loss.

"Y/n! I was waiting for you for forever you know!! 2 hours 46 minutes and 37-38 sceonds to be exact." You noticed that Himiko payed attention to every detail about somthing. "Where where you? Did somthing happen? Where you captured? Who do I need to kill?" She asked as she pulled out a knife and licked her moist lips.

"Hahaha! nobody Hima, I just joined the league of villains." You say, still giggling about how protective Himiko is about you. She tilts her head in confusion.

"League? I've never heard of them..." she puts a hand to her chin, thinking her blonde buns off. you giggle at this.

"They'll make their name noticed soon, but the boss is like a child. He's thinking like its a video game, but he'll learn how to properly be in controll sooner rather then later." You look to Himiko, listening to every word. "Wanna join with me? It'll be fun~"

"If he come to his sences, I'll join...but only because you are there." She said with a smile. "Now lets get into those comfy bean bags in your living room and play some games!"

You both head for the trap door to your room, which is unlocled with your key. You both head to your living room, plop down into the chairs, and get your gaming on.

____Time skip one day____

Himiko left your house at around 3:00am, knowing that you have big plans. You wake up a 6:35, right on time. You got up, put on a white nasa hoodie, with high-waisted black ripped jean shorts. You tucked the hoodie into your shorts, and puffing out the top part. You put on a black face mask, with white teeth printed on it. Then you put your hair in a messy high bun, similar to Himiko's.

You exited out the trapdoor you installed, to get on the roof Himiko met you on last night. You took in a large breath of morning air, puling down the mask. The breeze was light, and the sun was mid-rise right infront of you. Morning was your favorite part of the day.

Without a moment wasted, you teleported to hell, and said a quick hi to Lucifer.

"Sup LuLu guess wut I stolez ur nickname." you said quickly as you fingergunned him. He dramaticly gasped, then before he could do anything, you teleported away.

You ended up back ontop of U.A, and you called Shigaraki. He gave you his phone number while explaing the plan to you.

"Sup Raki, anyways are you guys busy?" There was a massive silence.


"woah...dude i didnt mean to trigger u."

"Just don't call me for the next hour."

"ya bruv i know, i was juuusttt makin sure u where in the usj, so buh byeee"


The phone conversation ended as soon as it began. You plopped yourself down, and waited for a student to exit out of the sphericle building.

Just as you sat down, All might came out of the building you sat on. He was walking towards The USJ with his eyes on his lil flip phone. Then when he was half way there, a blue flash zoomed to him.

"WhAo SoNiC tHaT U BoI????????" you laughed.

Then the sonic boi started runing towards the school, and all might immediatly ran to the USJ. Not even a minute later, the boi plus all the teachers fled to the USJ to go help. Thats your que.

You slipped through the door that you previusly used to get in, then walked out of the teachers lounge.

'Mei Hatsumei; Gender - Female; Year - First; Class - 1-H; Quirk - Scope; Department - Support items; Got into U.A on extrordiary smarts and enginering skills; has a 50/50 succes rate at assembling projects that have no instructions, and thrives when things are all layed out for her. Perfect. '

You walked down the hall to the support items part of the school, undetected. There where barely any teachers around, so this was a perfect day to watch her work. You came upon the classroom, and your eyes laid upon mei, working on a project that they just recived. At the travel of sound, Mei finished her prodject with taking one look at the instructions. She was the best in her class, and perfect for assembling the device.

You couldnt take her now, mostly because there are muliple whitnesses. So you deciced to watch her for now.(You are not a stalker don worry)You saw that the teacher wanted to talk to Mei outside the classroom, so you levitated yourself above them.

"Hatsumei, I would like to invite you to paricipate in this years sports festival. You can use as many of your...'Babies'...as you would like to-


'Sports festival? she looks kinda exited about it...I woud'nt want to bust her bubble. I'll come up with a suddle way of taking her, making it seem like im a good person. she seems pretty sensitve.' you thought, still in the air. You then teleported back to the league's base. When you got there, You saw Raki on the bar table with multiple bullets in his limbs.

"Big yeiks Raki...Her lemmie help ya." You walk over to him on the bar. His bething was steady, he wasent going to die even if you did nothing. You put your hand to his forehead, then a 'poof' noise was made. Steam started coming out of the bullet holes and they were shrinking. He sat up, and started to scratch his neck.

"WeLcOmE tO cHiLiEs." You said in a funny voice, which made him despise you more, but in the brotherly-sister kind of way. Ya know, when you say you would kill them on the spot if their mom *CoUgH** Kurogiri wasent there, but inreality you would be sad if they died...Ya' know?

"Whats wrong with you? You said the plan was good?" He came at you and you had to tell him.

"Well, I said its the best plan for now. Meaning that, the best plan that was already made." You said with shrugged sholders.

"Well then, what do you suggest?" You turned to him, then thought for a second. Then you remembered what you thought of yesterday.

"A group of elites." You say. Shigaraki ran a hand through his crusty dusty hair, and asked for an explaination. "Well, in the attack you used a large number of low-class people to go up against the number one hero, correct?" He nods in responce and you continue. "A smarter choice would have been gathering a group of more experianced, stonger, and smarter villains that people could easily fear...after all, fear is the one of the only things you can't trust. It causes people to make illogical decisions, causing their own downfall."

They both stare at you after your bootiful speech. Then you smirk and continiue. "But in order to add to our growing group..." You pause. "We need the league to make a bigger name for its self. Do you have any nomu left Raki?" you ask with a smile.

"Yes...and now I am sure of it." He pauses to take off his hand, and there was a shaddow on his eyes. He gave a creepy grin, that concerned mother Kurogiri.

















"Boss will love you~."

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