16 - Villain

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Over the next 13 hourd or so(yes i did the math) you all stayed in the bar. It was 9:23, hella cramped, but fun at the same time. The league became frenemies(mostly enimies) with Bakugo, and Dabi even apologized for grabbing him by the neck. In other good news, Shigaraki allowed you to teleport home and bring back snacks, so you brought a whole vending machine, but not before dropping off the gems to Mei.

"WHAAAAA Y/N YOU SERIOUSLY TOOK OUT THE VENDING MACHINE FROM YOUR ROOM?" Hima was staring up at the beutiful contraption. "Jeez that thing took up all mah money cuz the snacks are so goood~"

"Ya see, thats the perk of owning a vending machine." You cackle, hitting the side of the machine twice.

"NANI DAFUQ? Y/n, why are all the snacks in the 5,000 yen range?" Spinner asked, with playful venom in his voice.

"Its not my fault, I didnt even buy it. A certain somone did."


"OMG OUR Y/N HAS A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL US!?!?!?!!!?" Everyone said in unison, except Bakugo.

You where overwhealmed with "who is it?" and "whats their name?" while you gave an annoyed look. You could never imagine dating a child like Lucifer. You put a finger to your lips and shushed them h a r d.

"settle the FUCK down please. 1, I do NOT have boyfriend or girlfriend. 2, I am WAY to young for that shit. And 3, I CAN'T tell you who gave it to me." You stated with arms crossed.

"If you tell then I'll buy you somthing from the vending machine."

"Beech you where just complaining literally 17 fucking seconds ago, and I am the vending machine's owner so step the fuck up kyle." You said, flipping spinner off. He groaned in annoyence, while Dabi snickered. You then turned to Bakugo.

"Hey Katsuki, you want anything from the vending machine?" You asked, gesturing to the snack machine. "It even has ice cream!" He growled, and fidgeted in his chair.

"For the last time, I do not want anything other then uSING THE FUCKING BATHROOM. MY BLATTER IS AT IT'S FUCKING LIMIT." Shigaraki shook his head no. "BUT I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR OVER 13 FUCKING HOURS!" He clenched his fists.

"Shigaraki just let him use the damn bathroom." Dabi said, leaning on the counter with his arms crossed. "Even I'm not THAT cruel. Dude's gotta go." You sigh, seeing the only option.

"K, Everyone come to this side of the room." The league shuffled over to the right side of the room. You then snapped your fingers, and a fucking port-o-potty appeared.

They all gave you a look that screamed dumbass. Bakugo had his mouth in a huge frown. He looked to you and yall started a staring contest.

"Haha, don't worry, its soundproof!" They all mentally facepalmed. What they where all really wondering was where the waste went.

Shigaraki unlocked Bakugo's cuffs, and then the Pomeranian stood up. He would go full ballistic on you guys if it weren't for his damn Blatter.

He walked toward the port-o-potty with a shadow of shame over his eyes. He opened the door, and stepped in. Precisely 46 seconds later, he stepped out. The others gasped and awed. You really weren't lying about it being soundproof.

You teleported it away, back into hell where you got it from. Lucifer was a shy pee er after all. You always made fun of him for that. Bakugo walked back over to the chair and sat down.

"Heh, you showed your allegiance, you may stand." Shigaraki said, gesturing him to stand up. He scoffed but stood up anyway.

"I never proved allegiance and I am still not joining, but I am going to stand the fuck up because I was in a chair for over 13 fucking hours." He responded with a total bitch face on. You nodded your head in agreement. All of a sudden, there was a slight knock on the door.

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