34 - Shopping with the gang

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You woke up with a pain in your neck. Probably because you partied like a child on crack the day before. You looked around, and saw that the league took their leave in their own. You saw Mei in the same spot she was last night when you all where watching anime.

"That was hilarious." You laughed, remembering last night.

You stood up and skipped out of the gaming room, and into your room. The door opened without a creek, and you skipped to your closet. You entered the smaller room, and chose a oversized grey sweater with high-waisted jeans. A nice black mask caught your eye, and you attached it to the both of your ears.

"Ooooo she be lookin fine." You said, posing in front of the mirror. You adjusted the sweater so that one of your shoulders was exposed.


Your phone went off. You looked down and picked it up, then answered it.

"Hello~" you said.

"We are waiting ya'know." You heard Hima say on the other side of the phone.

"Oh ya I'll be there in a few byeeee." You hung your the call.

Your shoes where at the front door, so you walked out of the room and past the gaming room.

"Bye Mei- ....waIT MEI?" You looked back in the room and saw her still sleeping. She was supposed to be at home or her parents would be pissed. You teleported over to her, and shook the girl awake.

"What..?" She asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be home? Or am I making a big deal?" You asked. Mei started slightly laughing in her morning voice.

"I told my parents I would be staying at a friends house when I heard that you where having friends over." You sighed in relief, then put a fluffy blanket over Mei so she could get back to sleeping, and Mei mumbled a thank you.

You activated your quirk and teleported to where Hima was, but you where stopped by Lucifer.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT Y/n!!!" He shouted, and you looked in his direction. "Okay, so Blue or Green?" He held up two of the same suit but different color.

"Try black." You answered quickly.


"Dude name one person who would look good in a blue or green suit." You grumbled.

"James Charles."

"Well yea, he looks great in everything." You waved goodbye and teleported to the meeting place.

"Okie I'm here~" you cheered, and everyone gave you a dirty look. "Hey!"

"Ug, lets just go." Shigaraki mumbled. You all turned and saw that he was gesturing to the large van. Everyone hopped in, and you teleported.

"So Raki, what's the black market like?" You asked, poking the back of his skull.

"It's like if death and a mall had a child, and the child turned out to be a mass murderer and a total goth girl/guy." Dabi answered for Shigaraki.

"Yes, Reaper, even people are sold there. It's a terrible and fascinating place." You looked over to the new voice, and saw some shady guy with a cigarette.

"Who are you...oh wait! I've seen you holding Compress's fake arm!" You poked Compress's fake arm.

"The names Okuta Kagero, and I know the black market like the back of my hand." He took out his cigarette and puffed some smoke.

"There are three rules I always go by in the back market. 1. Never go alone, Stay in a group at all times. 2. Have a type of safe word, for example if you are in trouble you would say the word in a sentence. 3. Don't buy human body parts. Weapons or drugs are the only safe thing there." Okuta explained.

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