30 - School festival

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"FELLOW FUCKHEADS! I HAVE A PROPOSITION!" You yelled, standing on top of the bar y'all installed into the new hideout.

"y/n will yOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN YOU CRAZY FART?" Shigaraki yelled, slamming his orange juice down on the counter.

"Hoes mad." You mumbled, jumping down from the bar. "Anyways, caN WE SNEAK INTO U.A FOR THE FESTIVAL PRETTY PLEASE?"

"Omg think about all the cute boys I can stab~ AND IZUKU WILL BE THERE TOO KYAAAA~" Hima squealed, bringing out her knife.

"What are we supposed to do there? Eat food...yea I'm in." Spinner said.


"Eh, Raki why???" You asked.

"We can't do anything right now, especially with Kurogiri being captured and all." He sighed, taking another sip of his orange juice.

"Wai hold up Kurogiri is captured?" You asked. The league turned and looked at you in a blank way.

"whERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HE WENT DUMASS?" Dabi yelled, hitting you on the head.

"I tHouGht hE wEnT tO geT miLk!" You whined.

"Well hE DIDNT." Spinner shouted, as he yeeted his orange juice at you but missed.

"C'mon can we please goooooo?" You whined. "I'll host an anime marathon at my penthouse if you all agree to-


"Nu me first move out of the fucking way spinner."

"Go fuck yourselves."


"y/nnnnnn when is he gunna get hereeeeee?" Hima screeched.

"Calm ur fucking tits Hima he's gunna be here soon." You sighed. By 'he', you meant the one and only Lucifer. Only that your friends think that he's a makeup artist.

Out of nowhere he popped into the room, and immediately saw you.

"Omg y/n~ are these your friends?" He asked, gesturing to the league. Before you got a chance to respond Lucifer kept talking.

"Mmmm, well their style could be better...but I can work with this!" He said, clapping his hands together. A wardrobe appeared in the middle of the room. Lucifer pushes all of them inside— including you— and started to customize and shit.

...Two hours later...

"you all lOOK FABULOUS!" Lucifer cheered, shoving you all in front of a mirror. Everyone was dressed in the U.A uniforms, with different hair and eye colors.

You had (different color hair) but the same e/c eyes, Dabi had no scars and had a cute hairstyle, Hima had lavender long hair with pink eyes, Mr.Compress had black hair and green eyes, Spinner was basically a human version of himself, and Shigaraki was the smooth version of himself. You where all unrecognizable.

"You guys look weird- omg y'all look like idols!!" Twice said between himself. Twice couldn't go because if he took his mask off he will...go more insane..? Dunno what it's called.

"I took the time to capture the students that you all resemble and knocked them unconscious. So don't worry about anything." Lucifer said, throwing a tape dispenser up and down. "I also have their student ID's."

"Aye fam lets go."


You and the lads marched your way into the U.A premises. School was out for the day, so the festival could be put into full force. You all walked in the school gates, and made your way to the back of the school.

"This place is so cool~ so many people to stab-

"Stfu Hima your stabbyness will fucking give us away." Spinner shushed Hima. You snickered and continued to walk around. Gladly, 'your' class was just serving food outside, and the people your all disguised as don't really do anything.

"I wanna get some candy apples!" You cheered, poking Dabi's arm. He tried to shoo you off multiple times but at this point he just didn't give a shit. Without Kurogiri there, he was practically the mom of the squad, considering how annoyed he can get.

"We can after we walk around for a bit now stOP BUGGING ME OR ILL BURN YOU TO A FUCKING CRisp." Dabi yelled.

"Sorry sorry I'll shut up now."

"C'mon let's go see the glove collection." Shigaraki mumbled, facing the glove stand with glimmers in his eyes. You started silently wheezing in the background.

"No. I am not going to spEnd mY MONEY on your stupid needs. No." Dabi huffed, pulling Shigaraki by the arm.

"We are going to the fucking food stands in section A, then the game stands, THEN the candy stands." Dabi grumbled.

"But I have to use the bathroom."


"We will stop for a potty break."


After Compress took a shit, you all made your way to the food stands like Dabi planned. He was on his last nerve thanks to Hima gawking over random boys and girls, but he calmed down a bit when he ate some cold soba. I guess he was just hangry.

"O damn these fries are good." You said as you munched on the salty skinny potatoes.

"Yo do you think I can stuff 15 French fries in my mouth?" Hima asked, picking up a fri carton.

"Your a hazard to society." Shigaraki mumbled.

"And  a coward. Do 20." Dabi added on, slurping his cold soba.

"I want some more!" You whined, looking into your empty fri carton.

"Y/n we-

"Shhhhhh Dabi eat your soba~" You patted him on the head.

"Fuck you."

"Heck yourself as well."

You made your way to the French Fry stand again and ordered a large serving. You were so glad that some classes had the amazing idea to serve food, and good food at that.

While you were waiting, you got a glimpse of a poster of a kind. It said;

💖"Class 1-A concert in gym #3!"💖

You smirked and noted that down in your brain. You payed for the fries once they got to you and you went back to the table you all picked out.

You sat down in between Hima and Compress, with you sitting across Spinner, Shigaraki, and Dabi.

"Hey guys do you want to go to the concert class 1-A is holding?" Shigaraki clenched his fist on the poor juice box he was holding.

"Poor apple juice..."

"No, y/n I don't want to see fucking 15 year olds preforming a piece of music." Shigaraki paused. "Spinner go get me another Juice box." Spinner rolled his eyes and got up to go to buy another juice box.

"Come on Raki, please! I'll buy you the thanos hand that you were eyeing earlier."


"You son of a bitch I'm in."

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