28 - Hospital cell

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Before we start, comment a random name! Its like a mini contest, and I'll pick the name that speaks out to me...or the one with the most votes will win! Trust me mah dudes.
(I'll tag the winner)







You woke up and slowly sat up in the hospital bed.

"Wait, hospital bed?" You looked down and you were indeed, in a hospital bed, with an IV in your right arm.

"OooooOoo~" You cooed, looking at your surroundings. You were in a hospital room with a gun in each corner of the room. There was one-way glass put into the room, and it looked shiny new. Which means they rushed to build it in your sleep.

'I wonder how long I was out~' You thought, tugging the bedsheets back over you.

"Holy crap I'm tired." You let out a yawn, and rested your head back on the pillow.

"U-Um...Reaper?" A voice boomed. You shot up from your head and looked around.

"...god?" You asked.

"No, Reaper, it's your nurse."

"Oh, hi! What's your name?" You asked in a cheery tone.

"I- uh...I'm Mihara."

"Hey Mihara~ nice to meet ya'! You can call me y/n~" You responded, looking at the one-way glass.

"Ok, Y/n. Since I'm your nurse I am going to be looking after you until you are moved to jail"

"Eh? Jail?"

"Yes jail. Now if y-

"Hey Mihara, I'm bored!"


The big three, broccoli boi, mochi girl, frog girl, your brother, plus aiazawa, Fat gum, and ryukyu visit you in the hospital cell. (Since you were knocked out in a nerve that could supposedly kill a person you needed time to recover) They stood outside and talked with the police officers and nurses.

"W-Why does she have a stack of paper, two pens, and tape..?" Izuku asked.

"Well young man, that is for two reasons. One, she is one of the most annoying people I have ever met. Right when she woke up she was asking for somthing to entertain herself with because she was 'bored af.'" One officer said

"The second reason is that she hasent tried to escape. It would be easy for her, plus she has a teleportation and a regeneration quirk." One of the nurses added.

Everyone looked over to your direction, and saw that you made a huge paper airplane. You jumped up on your bed, and threw the thing. As it soared around the room, and it broke off into two parts. You caught the parts before the fell to the ground.

"Ah shit, the wind speed to wing ratio must be off." You whipped out your notebook and made the changes. You snapped it shut and pushed up your imaginary glasses.

"Why didn't I pay attention to LuLu more?" You made an 'x' on your arm with a sharpe you had. You already had 7, and that ment you owe Lucifer 7 bottles of cherry soda.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Mihara asked over the speaker.

"I'm making a replica of Airbus A380 800, Duh~ I got nothing else to do~" you said, tweaking the folds of your airplane. "The Airbus A380 800 is a passenger plane made in France with capacity for 853 passengers in a single class, or 644 in a two-tiered class." You scribbled down; S.S Y/n || On the wing of the plane.

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