32 - Bibbity Bobbity

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Kurogiri was walking back from the grocery store. You temporarily broke him out of prison for a day, so he could see his beloved league. But he noticed the fridge you recently installed was empty, so he went out to the shops.

"Okay, this time you all can't eat the snacks in one go- ...what's this?" Kurogiri asked, stepping inside. All the orange juices that y'all were eating were left on the bar counter.

'Adults these days.' He thought, picking up the boxes. He put them all in the trash bin, and started to unpack the food into the fridge. Kurogiri was unloading the last ice cream container, when he heard a large crash from the other room. He popped his head out the doorframe, and saw a bunch of children cosplaying as the league members all playing with grenades.

It took him a minute to understand what was happening, and before he could waist any more time, he quickly took away the grenades away.

"Nuuuuu my 'splosives..." The child with twin buns whined. A smol child with h/c hair and e/c eyes went and bonked the girl who was whining on the head.

"What's going on here..." Kurogiri sighed, rubbing his head. "I can't take care of children again."


"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" a child cried. Kurogiri sighed, and picked up the brat.

"Go to slee-" he was cut off when the child barfed all over him.

Before Kurogiri was a villain, he was a daycare worker. The place was filled to the brim with children, diseases, snot, and crying.


-end of flashback-

"That was one skimpy flashback mamagiri." You said, biting on one of your thumbs. Dabi went over and smacked you from behind.

"HEY TOILET HEAD ARE YOU TRYNA START SOMETHING?" You yelled, rolling up your tiny sleeve. The child with burn marks laughed.

"iMMA THROW HANDS THAT YOU CANT CATCH MEANIE." He replied, readying his fire. Before you two could touch each other, Kurogiri activated his quirk and nobody got hurt.

"Is someone going to tell me what's going on?" The only adult asked the 7 toddlers.

"A person came in here then blasted us with her quirk." Compress said, staring at the ceiling. "

She was super ugly." Twice said.

"Oh yea she was disgusting." You added on, crossing your small arms. Hima and Dabi nodded in agreement.

"That's not very nice, even if it is true." Kurogiri sighed, straightening his uniform.


"Kurogiri I want a juice box. Get me one." A grumpy baby Shigaraki said, waving his hand in a shoo motion.

"What's the magic word?" Mamagiri asked.

"I'll hire a kneecaper."

"Close but no."


"There we go!" Kurogiri handed the infant an apple juice pouch.

"Oh, earl grey tea for me and a juice box for her." Compress said, pointing to Hima.

"Compress, I am an adult. I can order my own juice box."  She pouted. You and Dabi started wheezing in the backround. Nonetheless, Kurogiri was suffering.


"YO DO IT FOR THE VINE!" You shouted at Spinner. He was on he top of the refrigerator with a skateboard. He jumped off of it, and nearly crashed into the sink, if it wasn't for Kurogiri.

"HEYYYYY!" Twice yelled, tugging on his mask dramatically.

"NUUUUU WHYYYY? HE WAS ABOUT TO KICK THE BUCKET!" You screeched, sobbing in the floor along with Compress and Dabi.

"Just take a snickers." Kurogiri grumbled, emptying a bucket of them. The children bolted to the bowl of food, and ate the 420 snickers in 169 seconds.

"Oh...I'm allergic to peanuts." Spinner said, looking down to his hands. They looked puffier then usual.

"Walk it off like a man." Shigaraki said, licking his thumb for the chocolate. Once Kurogiri heard this, a ran over to the group.

"Shigaraki you're in time out. Spinner, sweetie, go get your epipen." He said, crouching down to the children. Spinner nodded and ran over to the cupboard, and opened it up to grab the thing. He brought it back over to mamagiri.



"SugOi Spinner you have a hole in your leg!" You said, poking at it. He smacked you hand away, causing you to pout.

"You deserved it meanie." You mumbled.




"Both of you into the time out corner, now!" Kurogiri said, pointing to the seams corner Shigaraki was sitting in.

"After Dabi is done taking a poop, we are going to the park." Kurogiri said, sipping on some coffee.

"So hows prison life, Raki?" You asked. He looked at you and shook his head.

"There's no juice in here."


" YAY I CAN FINALY GO ON THE BABY SWING WITHOUT GETTING STUCK!" You screeched, and yeeted yourself into the swing.

"DARN IT Y/N." Dabi yelled, stomping over to the next swing over. "You big meanie."

"Well your a poopy head." You stuck your tongue out and blew a raspberry.


"Waaaaaaaa that's mean, Dabi!!!" You cried. Apparently the quirk makes you act like a child overtime. Compress saw the distress from the other side of the park, and ran to the both of you.

"Y-You guys should hug it out and say sorry!" He said, pushing Dabi to your swing.

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled.

"It's ok! Let's go make fun of old people!" You cheered, ruffling the burnt nugget's hair.

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