35 - Messing around

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"Okie but seriously these disguises are bomb." You snickered, poking around your face in the mirror.

You called up Lucifer to give y'all disguises again for going into the mall. Once again, if you go into public without one, y'all are screwed.

"I actually look like a normal human being." Spinner said.

"Yea, if humans looked like dog shit." Dabi cackled, causing you to fall and start wheezing.

"DABI YOU SLY FUCKASS BOI!" Hima wheezed along with you.

"They look so much better then usual due to my new makeup kit~" Lucifer giggled, holding up his 100-tone palette. Compress inspected the pallet along with Twice.

"Let's just get this over with." Shigaraki grumbled, putting on some chapstick for once. You hopped up from your previous spot on the floor, and skipped over to the slide door to exit the shed.

"Aye let's hit the road." Dabi said, picking up the car keys.


"How come there are so much bird poop on the sidewalk?" Dabi asked, avoiding the white curd that was left on the pavement.

"Well I dunno why are there sO MANY DEAR IN THE FOREST? HM?" Spinner asked sarcastically, crossing his arms. He was still mad about Dabi crashing the car apparently.

"I SAID SORRY. I GOT DISTRACTED." He yelled back, throwing up his arms. You and Twice tried not to burst out laughing. 

"BY WHAT, THE AIR?! AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED, THERE WAS NOTHING THERE." Spinner clenched his fists, referring to the poor ecsuse that Dabi used.

//What happened//

"Keep your eyes on the road you burned fuck." Spinner growled from the back of the van.

This time around, Dabi was driving the white van that belonged to Spinner. Yea, he trusted Shigaraki, but no way in hell would he trust Dabi with the wheel.

"Chillax, as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing to worry about." He snickered, causing you to make a sound of doubt. You wouldn't trust Dabi with your life either.

"Dabi how am I supposed to 'Chillax' when you are barely looking at the road?" Compress pointed out, looking up from the game of poker that started in the back of the van.

"Just trust me." Dabi sighed.

"I wouldn't trust you with a pretzel stick you lazy fuck." You quipped, slapping down your cards. "Ayo, royal flush."

"You all have no faith in me- omg are those a bunch of deer?" Dabi asked, looking to the side of the road. "Or is it deers?"

"Naw dude it's deer- OMG LOOK OUT-"


"This is why, we wouldn't trust you with a pretzel stick."

//End of what happened//

"At least nobody died." Dabi grumbled, earning a slap on the arm from Hima.

"At least no pretzel sticks where harmed." You said in a joking tone, causing Dabi to roll his eyes while the rest of the group laughed.

The 7 of you walked down the sidewalk, still teasing Dabi about him and his driving skills, all the way until you all approached the mall. Hima dragged Twice away and over to the clothing section. They both had the best taste in clothes other then you, so it's their job to find some cool drip.

You yanked on Dabi's arm, and he bent down to your height.

"If you really wanna make up for crashing the van, then you could buy us all boba." You smirked, and Spinner agreed.

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