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The girls follow us to our room and we find if trashed. Our mattress is ripped out and our draws are everywhere.

I look at Amber and we share the same look. I start to pick everything up and Amber helps out.

"You strippers think your so better then us" the blonde says.

"No body said that" I tell her.

"Do you think your better then us?" She asks Amber.

"You trash our room without meeting us, so what do you think?" Amber says and they corner her.

The blonde throws the first punch nocking Amber down, she doesn't stop there she keep punching.

"Stop!" I shout but she doesn't so I drag the blonde by her hair and start punching her. When she's down I kick her twice and then go to Amber.

"We're leaving" I stand her up.

"You can't leave" the blonde spits out blood. I take Amber and go downstairs, I try the front door but I doesn't budge.

I notice cameras and realize they've been watching us. I flip the camera off and then get a chair.

I throw it at the window and it smashes the window "Amber" I say and she follows me out.

We walk away from the mansion and soon reach a gas station. I go in and grab a drink. I take out a fifty form my bra and give it to the cashier.

I give it to Amber and she rinses her mouth then spits it out. Amber and I have always been good friends.

We went to hight school together and now we strip together. A car I recognize pulls up in front of us.

Shank comes out "Get in" he commands.

"We're not going anywhere with you" I shout and another car pulls up. Two men come out wearing identical clothes.

"In" he says and walks towards us, I back Amber behind me. I know she doesn't know how to fight and I don't blame her. She's never needed it.

When he's in front of me he towers over me. I keep the eye contact showing him I'm not scared "I won't ask again" his deep voice says.

"Let's go" Amber says behind me. I stay in my place and stare into Shanks eyes, he takes something form the back of his waist band and Amber gasps.

He puts a cold metal under my chin titling my head up, I realize it's a gun and I'm stuck in place by fear.

"Come on" Amber drags me and I'm thankful, my heat beats fast in my chest as I realize I could have gotten my brains blown out.

We get into the car Shank pulled up in and I sit in front. The drive back is kind of long and then I realize we've made it quite far on foot.

He pulls up in front of the mansion again and I shake my head "We're not going back in there..." I look over at him and he doesn't seem fazed.

"I'm serious Shank, I'm a 5'3 girl and Amber can't even fight. We're gonna get our ass whooped" I tell him and he gets out the car.

He opens the door for me and I get out angrily. I open Ambers door to find her knock out, I nudge her and she's up.

We do our walk of shame back to the house with Shank behind us. The ladies are there almost like they were waiting for us.

"Be nice Jenny" he says to the blonde that punched Amber, then walks out with his men.

Amber and I walk to our room and I close the door behind us. We get back to picking all the things they trashed and Ambers the first to knock out.

She takes half of the bed but I keep cleaning up. Why on earth are we here? He bought us so he can put us in a hell hole? What an ass!

My phone rings in my back pocket scaring me, I forgot it was there. I pick up and it's my big brother "Hey"

"Hey Cas how are you?" He asks.

"Good" I lie to him, he's already got enough going on in his life. My big brother currently works three jobs to pay the house rent.

My dad walked out on us when my mom found out she had cancer and ever since then he's been stepping up.

"You?" I ask.

"Not so good, Jes is craving stuff again" he laughs. My little sister Jesica is 15, she got raped at at party and is currently pregnant.

He's taking care of her too "How's ma?" I ask him.

"She's...not getting any better" his voice is flat "Imma keep my faith" he finally says.

"Imma work harder...so she can get the best treatment" I tell him, I currently cover the medical bill for our moms treatments.

"No" he says.

"Jamal" I warn him, I already know he's going to tell me 'I got this' when really he doesn't.

"Listen I need to go" I give him an excuse because I'm starting to tear up "tell Jes and ma that I said hi...I love you"

"I love you too Cas" I hear his voice break through the phone and I hang up. I wipe tears form my face and shake it off.

I go into the bathroom and look through the draws. When I find the make up remover wipes I take of my eyebrow pencil.

I wear little to no make up because I honestly don't like it. I take the pack and go to Amber. I sit on the bed and start taking her makeup off.

I start with her eyebrows and take the rest off. When done I nock out beside her.

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