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I wake up to shuffling and then someone slumps on my bed making it sink. I open my eyes to face a smiling Amber.

"Late night adventures huh?" She says and I laugh in my pillow.

"It's too early for this" I say turning.

"It's nearly noon" she takes off my covers "get up sleeping beauty" she laughs and I grown.

"Come on" she drags me.

"I'm up" I shout then stench. It takes a lot form Amber to get me out of bed and showered.

"We can have a girls day" Amber suggests an hour later.

"Or we could stay inside and watch something"

"That's for when we sulk" she says then eyes me "What are you sulking about?"

"Nothing" I say then tie my braids in a high ponytail.

"Then it's settled, get out of bed" she drags me. I make it to the parking lot of the apartment when I realize that Ambers cast covers half her thigh, her knee and half her leg.

The cab takes us to downtown and we get out. She takes me to a beauty shop full of extensions, make up, wigs etc.

"We need to get your hair redone" she says and I follow her in "take out that and put in this" she picks up a chocolate brown packet of expression.

"I like black" I whine.

"You need to add colour to your skin"

"I think I have enough colour don't you think?" I say.

"Funny" she says and keeps looking around. She gets four more packets and some nail varnish. We leave and go to a boutique.

"Sit" Amber commands and I sit in the chair. The hair dresser puts a thin sheet over me and start cutting my braids off.

She takes it all out, washes and conditions my hair then goes to braiding. At some point Amber leaves and I go on my phone.

I watch anything that would fascinate me. Amber comes back an hour hater with some food. I eat and I'm no time we're done.

I do a twirl for Amber as she asks and then we leave, we paid before. Obviously.

We go back and I drop Amber off but stay in the cab "Enjoy work" she waves me off.

I start to get ready, I put on a dark blue lingerie and put a tutu over it just like I've been told. I go out when I'm called and do a routine.

When my spotlight is gone I go back and start getting changed. I put my usual jeans over then lingerie and the black jacket on top.

I tie my hair back but let the two piece loose at the front. I meet Shank our side with his two men with him.

His eyes scan me making me smile. I go up to him and he opens the door for me, I get in and watch him go around.

He starts his engine "I won't be here this weekend" he says making a turn.

"Where you going?" I ask.

"Business trip"

I nod and feel his gaze, I look over to him "Everything okay?" He asks and I nod "a verbal answer would be nice"

"I don't know" I say and then we fall silent until we get back. I get out the car and make my way to the apartment building.

"Shawty" Shank calls out and I turn, he signals me over and I slowly go to him. He takes my hand and pulls me in for a hug. A hug?

I close my eyes feeling his warm embrace and listen to his heartbeat "We don't have to talk about it" he says making me smile at We.

"My moms not getting any better" I say in his chest "I can see the fear in Jamal's eyes...and where's Jes gonna go? She can't go with my dad

"But that's her legal guardian right? I don't think Jamal has the money to get Jes in his custody" I shake my head "it's not fair".

He loosens his grip around me and the puts a hand on my face, his thumb rubs back and forth on my cheek and the he tilts me head with his thumb.

"You got your hair done" he says.

"Look at you" I smile "noticing" I kiss him and close my eyes to only feel his lips. I turn my head right and the kiss gets deeper.

He grabs my ass with both hands and o throw my arms around his neck. I tip toe to reach him as I let his tongue swirl in my mouth.

I bite his lip discreetly and he pulls away "Your gonna make me wanna stay" his deep voice says.

"Maybe you should"

"I can't" he pauses "maybe I should just take you with me"

"I can't...I'm busy" I say making him laugh "but for real, I have a family thing to attend to"

"Okay" he nods and takes my hand leading me inside.

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