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Soft hands rubbing back and forth down my face wakes me up, I keep my eyes closed trying to go back to sleep but fail.

I give up and snuggle closer to Shank, I put my head on his chest to listen to his heart beat but feel something cold on my forehead. I look up to see two chains around his neck.

I smile as the chain I bought him for his birthday hangs around his neck, I smile up at him and then realize- "where's your top?" I ask him a little confused.

"I'm hot" he says and I sit up, I put my hand on his forehead pushing his curls back. "You have a fever" I tell him "we need to get you in the shower"

"Why?" He whines, even though his voice is masculine he still manages to sounds like a child.

"Because," I return dragging him out "if you don't you'll heat up" I try warning him "I'll get in with you"

"Okay" he gets up and makes his way to the shower. This is kinda weird for me, I've never see Shank so vulnerable before.

I run the cold water and start to undress him, I tug his shirt and he lifts his arms for it to go over his head. I take his grey sweat pants off and then do his boxers.

My eyes shift to his manhood and his eyes "excited?"

"Your fault" he smiles.

I take my oversized shirt off and put a shower cap so my hair doesn't get wet. Water runs his body and I shiver in excitement. I grab his loofah and put some of his body wash on it.

I start to scrub him and I can see him start to relax a little, I scrub slowly and a little hard. I know Shank is watching me but I try not making it seem like I know.

When I'm done scrubbing I rinse his body and then get a towel to cover him up. I know damn well that Shanks just letting me baby him, this is not the first time he's had a fever.

His body looks- wow I think I'm drooling. He sits on the bed as I look for some clothes for him, I find another pair of grey sweats and a black top for him to wear.

"Here" I put them beside him, he looks up at me "I'm not gonna dress you"

"Why not?" He smiles.

"You can dress yourself" I put on a matching set of white lace and then put short shorts on. I go into his closet looking for a hoodie to wear, when I find one I come out to find Shank still not dressed.

I take my shower cap off, brush my hair, then put it into a low ponytail. I take the top beside him and help him dress, by help I mean I do all the work.

"I thought you didn't like being vulnerable" I drop his towel, I can't help but smile as I put on his boxers then his sweat pants.

"I'm comfortable with you" he says and I put his towel on his head. I scrunch up his curls with the towel trying to absorb all the water out his hair.

"Do you have a hair routine?" I ask.

"I just put some curling thing" he points to a bottle and I go get it. I turn to see him laid on his back, I squeeze some of the product out on my hand and then go back to him.

I sit on him and he sits up, I rub my hands together and then run them through his hair. He closes his eyes clearly enjoying it. I work my way to his roots and then just massage his head.

I watch how his facial features are relaxed and he has no sign of tension anywhere. I play with his hair using my nails to scratch his scull.

He warps his arms around me and they rest on my waist "Ohh" he moans gently "that feels good"

I smile down at him and start to melt a little, how can a big, tough, dangerous man melt in my arms?

I slowly stop and my hands work their way to his shoulders stopping there. His eyes slowly opens as he looks at me, he leans in kissing me in a flash.

I kiss him back and gently push him on his back, he grabs my ass and slaps it hard making my gasp. "Ouch" my lips hover over his and even though I don't open my eyes I know he smiling.

I go back in for a longer kiss. I put one hand just above his head leaning my weight on that as my other hand is down his pants, he's clearly turned on. I give him kisses down his perfectly angled jawline.

"Shawty" he says getting my attention.

"Yeah" I kiss his neck.

"I don't want too"

"That's okay" my hand slowly makes its way back up as I kiss my way back to his lips. I kiss him gently and then deepen the kiss, I pause to catch my breath a little.

His lips pucker and I smile to myself "you just wanna make out?" I ask and he nods with a little cute umhmm sound as his eyes are still closed. Once I catch my breath I go back in kissing him some more.

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