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I open my door to face five men in my door way, they flood in revealing a young beautiful woman. She looks about in her thirty's.

"Cassidy" she says and steps forward "we haven't officially met, I'm Angie an old friend of Shanks" she smiles.

I eye her still not trusting her, there's something not right about her but I can't get at it. I raise my gun and shoot two of her men down.

She looks at me with angry eyes "Was that necessary?" She asks me "get her" she commands.

I get knocked down by a strong mans punch, he knocks me off balance and I fall. Arms pick me up and I fight aggressively, trying my hardest to leave alive.

"Stop fighting Cassidy, there's no point" Angie says and when I don't she points a gun to my head "Stop" she commands and I obey.

She leads the way out and I'm forced to follow, I have a gun held at my back by one or her men as we enter the elevator.

We go down to the ground floor and is greeted by several of Shanks men point guns at our heads. I meet Class' eyes and then drop my gaze.

"Shank!" Angie shouts "we have her, if your men fire she'll die too"

After a beat Shank walks our way stopping at a good distance. I look at him my eyes begging for him to save me.

"What do you want?" He ask.

"Miles" she says "if you want her to live you'll give him to me"

"Take her" he says and my heart shatters "she's nothing but a stripper to me"

Angie looks at her men a little confused, I drop my gaze form Shank as tears fill my eyes. We move out the building and I get thrown into a car.

A pillowcase is thrown over my head so I don't know where we're going. When the car stops I'm pushed into a cold room.

I get put into a chair and the pillowcase comes off. I'm face to face with Angie, a smug smile is on he face as she watches me.

"I'm going to brake you while your here, strip every layer off" she threatens "the longer I wait, the more you hurt"

"It takes a lot to brake me" I tell her looking her dead in the eyes.

"We'll see" she says and nods to one of her men, a buff man picks up something that looks like I microphone then comes up to me.

"7" she says and he turns the thing on up to seven, he puts it against my head and an electric waves goes through my body.

I scream in pain as the electricity goes every where, it's so painful when he stops I can't feel my anything. "How old are you Cassidy" she asks.

I say nothing and get shocked again, my scream radiates in the room and tears start to come out my eyes "you look around 20" she says.

I try to catch my breath as she speaks then get shocked again "Ahhh!" I look her in the eyes "Are you a mother Angie?" I ask her in pain.

"Yes" she nods "three beautiful kids, why?" She asks and I say nothing.

The guys shocks me again making my eyes roll back in pain "ow" I mumble to myself, she keeps asking questions about Shank and when I give nothing I get shock.

"See You tomorrow Cassidy" she says leaving. The guy turns his machine up to the max and the pain knocks me out completely.

I wake up in the chair hoping the torture was just a dream but that quickly changes when Angie walks back in with her men.

"Drink this" she hands the cup to the guy from yesterday and he comes up to me.

"What is it?" I ask and the guy pulls my hair back and pours it in my mouth making me almost chock.

"It'll make you very vulnerable" she says and I start to get dizzy, every thing in the room spins making me feel sick. I gag trying to get it out my system.

"If you throw it up, I'll kill you" she threatens.

"What do you want with me?!" I say pissed "you heard Shank yourself, I'm nothing but a stripper to him" the words sting coming out my mouth.

"Your just claustral damage"

The feeling of throwing up comes back and I shut up to keep it in. I don't want to go through this, I don't know how long I have left until I break.

"How much men does Shank have?" She asks and I say nothing "sooner or later your gonna have to say something"

After some silence she nods to the man and he leaves the room the comes back in with a phone "tell me good news Shank" she says.

"Keep her" he says and I start crying, at this point I don't know if it's an act or if he's being for real.

Another guy comes back with yesterday's machine and I close my eyes "Want to hear my favourite sound so far?" Angie asks Shank.

The guy puts the metal on my head and I scream in pain, my voice breaks as my scream echoes in the room "Stop" I whisper to myself.

"Who's Shanks wing man Cassidy?" She asks me but I don't say anything, in return the guy shocks me again "STOP!" I scream in pain.

"I'm going to throw up" I tell Angie my voice breaking.

"Give me what I want Shank" she says and hangs up, my breathing is uneven and I shake form the shock.

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