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The limo takes us back the mansion and we get out, I support my own dress this time as Shank goes to get our suitcases.

We get into his car and we go off driving, just us. No one follows us, so there's no back up. We're alone, finally.

He pulls up in front of his house, I look over to him a little confused "your house?" I get out and watch him get the suitcases. "Our house" he says and I follow him to the front door.

"Wait here" he says opening the front door up and then he puts the suitcases close by. He then turns to me and then picks my up bridal style and I bust out laughing.

We step in and he closes the door with his leg then turns us around to lock it. I look around the beautiful house as we make our way through, we don't go downstairs like before but this time we go up.

He carries me up revealing bedroom doors, we go up again and then we stand in front of big double doors "Mrs. Kirrios, would you like to do the honours?" Shank asks and I open the doors.

We walk into a room lit by candles "Oh my!" I slid down and start to look around. The room has a king size bed in the middle of it and is surrounded by rose petals.

Run my hands on the counter passing several candles until I stop in front of a framed picture. It's a mirror photo I took of me and Shank when we were matching to go to his family's house.

I put it down and look up at Shank who's already look at me, I get a swap of butterflies hit me making me nervous again.

"Our flights at 7" Shank says and moves closer to me, I look at the time and it flashes 3:48am. When he's closer to me he cups my face and kisses me passionately.

He takes his blazer off of me and starts kissing my neck, my head drops back and a moan escapes my lips. He turns me around and presses himself against my ass.

He un does my top button that's hold my dress together and then unties the big bow, he slowly starts to take my dress off wanting to take his time and I let him.

When my dress drops it reveals the white lingerie I put on before, he goes back to standing in front of me and looks down at my body with an impressed smirk.

He takes my drown off and I feel the difference already. I take the bun out and put the expression by he crown leaving my natural hair in a high ponytail.

I go in for another kiss and Shanks lips reach mine before, I feel his grip around me waist as he picks me. He moves everything out the way with one hand while still kissing me and then he puts me on the counter.

I pull him closer, our heads bobbing as we keep kissing. I start to un button his shirt as I slowly kiss down his neck, I take his shirt off and I pull him closer to me by his waistband.

He picks me up and puts me on the bed...I'll spear these detail, just know we tried some knew things. We keep going for the next two hours.

I get back in as Shank starts getting out of bed, he stand up and puts his boxers back on. I see my nail scratches on his back and smile.

I put my lingerie back on and grab one of Shanks shirts to put on and he gives me his joggers and I put them on. There obviously big on me so I roll the ends and the waistline up.

I tie his shirt into a knot and the go to the mirror and take off my smudged makeup. He takes out a shoe box and puts it next to me "it was your birthday present for last year" he says.

I pick the box up and open it to a white pair of Louis Vuitton shoes, I put them on and they fit my little feet "thank you" I kiss him and take the remaining makeup off.

My hair is still wet form my shower so I let it air dry. When I'm ready I go downstairs to see Shank eating what looks like bacon and eggs, he hands me a plate and I eat.

When we're in the car we drive to an airport, Shanks hand stays on my thigh all the way there. I try control the leg twitching some the last round but don't get much chance.

We don't go through check in or anything like that, instead he drives right up to a jet "you have a jet?" I look outside "how come you never told me?"

"I'm not a fan of flying" he says stopping the engine and we get out, Shank takes my hand leading me to the jet. I look back to see Class and another of Shanks men getting our things.

Inside the jet is bigger then it looks outside, there's two beds and a tv and snacks everywhere. I sit down next to the window taking my shoes off.

Shank takes his shoes off then lies down next to me. He closes his eyes but doesn't look like he's sleeping, cuddle next to him trying to make him feel better.

"Which part do you not like?" I ask him and warp my arms around him "is it the fact that we're flying in a tube thousands of kilometres off ground?"

"Not helping" he mumbles and I smile, the plan shakes meaning we're finally going. I watch his face relax meaning he's asleep and I doze off next to him.

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