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I go into my closet and get a shirt and some ripped jeans. I pick out a white lingerie then drop my towel, I watch Shanks eyes cover my body head to toe before he slowly turns around.

I put the rest on, I brush my hair into a low ponytail and Shank slowly turns to face me. I follow him out and he takes me to the game room.

We're alone as I look around my eyes land on a bottle of Vodka. I go up to it and chug some down, I turn to Shank and feel the alcohol working.

"Oh my bad" I giggle "want some?" I offer.

"What did Angie say to you the first time?" He asks.

"You know what!" I smile to him "I don't think it's any of your business" I giggle.

He steps forward and I put my finger up "ah ah ah" I say wiggling my finger form left to right to left then chug some more.

I move to the pool table and grab the whiskey by it, I open it and start to drink "This isn't necessary" he says.

"I gave you everything and it still wasn't enough" I chug "you cheated on me and what did I do? I loved you" I laugh.

His eyes go softer and he steps closer making me step away "I gave you my trust, my heart, my time, oh! And Let's not forget my virginity" I giggle.

"You wanna know the worst part?" I chug "you wanna know the worst part" I repeat this time slurring on my words. I hiccup and giggle.

"I have a headache" I put my hand on my head and Shank steps closer "woah" I laugh backing away form him.

"You wanna know what Angie said?" I ask him. I tell him everything I know not missing a beat. He doesn't react he just watches me.

I finish the bottle of whiskey and burp "pardon me" I giggle and start to walk backwards towards the outside. I keep eye contact with Shank not letting him follow me.

He slowly moves when I'm on the edge of the pool "I don't know how you feel Shank" I tell him through the window.

He watches me intensively "don't come out side" I warn him and he doesn't, I move to the deep end of the pool which is about ten feet deep.

"Your fucking with my head" I tell him and he looks down but imminently looks back up "you ice me out and turn away form me, your hurting me Shank"

"I don't think that's a way to treat your lady" I laugh to myself "I forgot I'm not and I quote 'your girlfriend'" I giggle.

"Kinda hurt" I put my hand on my chest "I have a headache" whine and I see him step forward "Stop it" I put my hand out.

"You know the worst part?" He asks me.

"And what's that?"

"You don't know how I feel" he says.

"There's not much you can do when someone puts up a wall" I tell him then sigh.

"When I was in high school I got beat" I tell him.

"I know, we've talk about this"

"But we haven't" I pause "my uncle used to beat me up...said I was helping him release anger" I smile "asshole"

I look up at Shank "he said I'm lucky he's not- and if I remember probably he said 'your lucky I'm not forcing you...to get in you knees and do what I want'-What a dick right?"

Shank looks at me with sad eyes "it's okay though" I smile "I've always been the problematic one, I guess it's the perks of being a middle child" I shrug.

We stand in silence, Shank still by the window about ten feet away and me on the edge of the deep end. "There's something else I haven't told you" I say getting his attention.

"Trevor...I can't swim" I fall backwards letting the water consume me, I relax as the water rushes to my lungs aching. Before I know it I hit the bottom and black out form the alcohol.

I feel heavy chest bumps in the middle of my chest and then I feel air trying to get to my lungs. I cough out water really hard, my breathing is uneven as I keep coughing.

I look up to see a shocked Shank and I lay back down tired. I nock out again this time with tiredness, I feel strong arms lifting me up bridal style and I warp my arms around his neck.

I wake up in warm bed covers, I'm also in warm clothes and I snuggle deeper into the sheets. The door opens and I close my eyes pretending to sleep.

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