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My alarm wake me up and I get ready to go to work. My first day I can't fuck this up, I need to tell my manager I can only work night shifts.

I'm going to a near by college soon and while I can I'll work the day shift. When I get to the restaurant I go to the back.

A beautiful blue eyes man waist for me. "Hey, I'm Tobias" he introduces himself.

"Cassidy" I shake his hand.

"You have to wear this" he gives me a shirt and an apron. I take my jacket off and as I go to take my top off Tobias spins around.

I put the shirt on and then the apron, he starts to give me rules I should follow and expectation I should keep up. I try keeping up with him.

"This is the wine cellar, you don't go down here unless you are sent" he explains to me.

"Right" I nod. The rest of my shift I stick by Tobias trying to learn form him.

After work I get ready to leave, I put my top back on and then a soft knock comes at the door. I turn a Tobias comes in with a sweet smile.

"Where you heading off too?" He asks.

"I'm going home, I have a lot of studying to do" I tell him putting my jacket on.

"You hungry?" He asks.

"No" I smile knowing he's trying to hit on me, I don't have time for this.

"Okay, maybe another time"

"Maybe" I leave.

I see Shanks car and curse under my breath, whyy? I start walking away. "Cassidy!" I hear my name being called but keep going. A car pulls up next to me, driving slowly as I hear the window roll down. "Where are you going?!" I don't answer. "Get in the car Cassidy."

"My bud comes in five minutes. I need to get to the bus stop."

"I'm right here, I'll drive you."

"I'm good."

"Just get in!" I stop at his firmness.

I get in and he start to drive off. We don't go home, we end up in the same parking lot form the first time he left.

"Ironic" I say as he stops the engine. He looks at me but I don't drop my guard "What do you want form me?"

"I remember the first time you asked me that, I didn't have an answer but I do now. Cassidy you're not someone I want in my life" he pauses.

I try read his eyes "you're someone I need, I'd rather you walk over me then walk away. This ain't me, never have I ever needed someone so badly" he pleads.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. What I did was fucking stupid and loosing you is a price I'll have to pay." Tears fill his eyes and he looks away I freeze not knowing what to do.

He covers his eyes and I watch him now feeling guilty. "I'm not going to ask you to be mine, just don't be anyone else's"

"You can't be serious." I stare at him.
"Okay" I nod, I reach for his hands and his tearful eyes look back at me. I hug him tightly and quickly realize how much I've missed this.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have throw that bottle of wine" I say and he chuckles, he pulls away and smiles. His smile. I've missed that.

"Can we talk about it?" He asks.

"I thought we already talked it out?"

"Not that was you throwing things and me dodging for my life" he says smiling.

"Okay" I nod. He tells me about it and how he was drunk and not think straight. I tell him blaming the alcohol is not a reason.

We settle the fuse for so long that the sun starts to set. I see a soft part of Shank that I didn't know was there.

"I'm willing to start over, on the condition that you tell me the truth" I propose to him.

"I can't risk loosing you again" he says and leans in slowly, his lips hover over mine and I back away a little. He slowly starts to back away too and I look at him.

"We should head back" he says starting his engine. We drive back and the he parks and he gets out his car, I follow him inside.

"Trevor" I say and he looks back at me, I lick my lips out of nerves "I'm yours" I step forward closer to him. He moves closer to me but stops and shakes his head.

"I did you wrong, I don't deserve you" he says and I close the space between us but he backs away "I'm toxic"

I look at him a little confused "but you said-"

"Forget it" he interrupts me.

The anger that I've been trying to burry comes back to me as I stare into Shakes eyes "asshole" I scoff and push past him.

I don't look back, instead I go to my room. I take all my clothes off and start the shower, I stand there.

I know he's trying to keep me away.

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