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A young man comes up to us and dabs Shank up "Hey man" he says laughing "it's been a while"

"It has" Shank lightens up a little, he turns to me "Shawty this my cousin Marco" he turns to Marco "Mj this is Cassidy, my girlfriend"

"Girlfriend?" Marco asks Shank. He takes his hand out and I shake it with a smile "nice meeting you" he says.

Shank leads me to the kitchen still talking to Marco. The kitchen is full of women and little girls of all ages, he walks in and stops at a middle aged women.

"Mama" Shank says and the women turn around to hug him. Shank is a photocopy of his mother, he's got the eyes, curls, lips.

"Mi bebé Trevor" my baby Trevor his mom says "¿cómo estás? sembri un bambino magro, deberías comer" How are you? You look thin, you should eat.

"Mama" Shank interrupts "esta es mi novia Cassidy, de la que te hablé" this is my girlfriend Cassidy, the one I told you about.

He speaks with such ease and in a steady tempo making it easy for me to understand. My heart drops when he says he's told his mom about me.

She smiles at me then back at Shank "ella es una obra maestra" she is a masterpiece his mom says hugging me.

"ve a buscar a tu padre, ella estará a salvo conmigo" go find your father, she'll be safe with me. She tells him and he gives me a small smile before leaving.

She signals me behind the stove with her and I go. "Do you speak any Spanish" she says and her English is perfect.

"I can hear the majority of things, it's speaking that I struggle with" I tell her and she takes something out the oven.

"Here" she hands me a knife and some onions and garlic "cut" she laughs when she sees me staring at the ingredients.

"So you and Trevor, are you guys serious?" She asks cutting some spring onions herself.

"Trevor?" I ask then clock it's Shank's real name "Trevor, right" I laugh nervously "um yeah we're serious"

"How long have you guys been together?"

"A while" I say and she laughs.

"That's what he said" she throws her spring onions, the garlic I cut and the onions in a pan.

She asks me more questions about my ethnicity, parents, grades and even past relationships. I try answering with respect but keeping it short as possible.

After about an hour or two a young teenager a little older then Jes comes up to us. "Mama G can I take her form you?" The girl's sweet voice asks.

"En español hermosa" in Spanish beautiful Shanks mother says.

"Por favor" please the girl begs. Shanks mom shoos us with a smile. The girl drags me a little pulling me away and back into the back yard.

"Have you greeted everyone?" She asks me.

"Am I suppose to?" I ask.

"Yes." She gives me her hand and I shake it "Catalina"

"Cassidy" I smile. She introduces me to her family members as Shanks girlfriend, well she say 'La amante de Trevor' Trevor's lover .

My eyes shift to Shanks and he looks at me sipping his drink, I look back at Catalina who's explaining something to me.

After I meet all the cousins and aunties and uncles, I meet Shanks father who gives me a cold vibe. Our conversation is limited with short sentences.

Now I know where Shank gets that form. I go back with Catalina and she asks me some questions just like Shanks mother did.

I listen to her ramble, she makes funny jokes and brings up good conversation starters. "So What's Trevor's full name?" I ask taking the chance when she pauses.

"Trevor Alejandro Querois Amor-santo Kirrios" she says.

"Wow" I say. We get called to eat and I finally get to sit by Shank. He fills half his plate and I get what he gets.

Everyone jokes and laughs to Spanish jokes and story times, Shank looks down at me "Do you understand anything?" He whispers in my ear.

"Yeah" I mumble.

"I thought you didn't speak Spanish" he raises an eyebrow.

"Just because I don't do it, doesn't me I don't know how too" I tell him and I watch a smile cross his face. His words not mine.

"I wanna turn your insides out, but I can't" he eyes shift away form me "and we're being watched"

We go back to eating and when everyone is done I help put the dirty dishes away. I offer to wash the plates and regret my decision when I realize it's a lot.

Catalina and her sister Ángel help me out and I go a little faster. We make good conversation until we're done then go into the living with the rest of the family.

The family gets really loud filling the house with laughter and happiness, something that only happened occasionally in my house.

Music starts to blast and everyone starts to dance. I dance bachata with Shanks and tango with his cousin.

When midnight comes around I help tuck the little children in and then go hunting for Shank. It doesn't take me long to find him since his outside.

He's taking in some fresh air I think. "Hey" I get his attention "happy birthday" I smile sitting next to him.

I put my head on his shoulder and embrace the peaceful silence. My hair gets in my face and I pull it behind my ears. "23" he thinks out loud.

"Pretty old" I make him chuckle.

"Thank you for coming" he says and I lift my head up.

"Thank you for inviting-" he kisses me not letting me finish my sentence. He grabs my throat gently then lifts my head up with his thumb.

He pulls away and looks back at the house, I follow his gaze to find all the teenagers still awake watching us. I laugh then put my head back on his shoulder.

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