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JUST A NUDE by Savaginity
09 ;; Do not lie

JUST A NUDE by Savaginity09 ;; Do not lie

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November 11th, 2018

It was 3PM when Jimin came out of his college, taking a taxi. So far he didn't know why he shouldn't trust Taehyung. Or what laid in the arts room. So he thought of going for the next thing.

Find out how Yoongi died.

So that's why he was in the police station, waiting for the officer who dealt this case.

"Oh, you must be Park Jimin." someone said, making him turn around. There stood an officer, a welcoming smile on his face and his name 'Kim Namjoon' engraved on the badge of his uniform. He was tall, had dashing dimples, titian hair and eyes a hazel-brown.

"Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Sir." Jimin said and stood up to shake hands. The two of them exchanged their greetings.

"Come on in," Namjoon ushered Jimin and made him sit on the chair in his office. "So what may I help you with?" he asked.

"I'm here to talk about the Min Yoongi case, Sir." he replied.


Namjoon went over to his large shelf and shuffled through the manila files, a lot of them being sexual abuse cases, before picking a particular one. He came back with it and sat behind his desk, opposite to Jimin.

"I might say the pictures look a little....disturbing so I'm warning you. But who are you and why do you want to know this?" Namjoon asked.

"Oh, I'm Yoongi's boyfriend and I don't quite believe he committed suicide, Sir. He's not the type to kill himself. So I got suspicious and wanted to find out what's going on." Jimin lied yet again. Namjoon rose a cynical brow at that.

"Oh? Boyfriend?" he asked. Jimin gulped.

"Yes, sir."

"I see. Anyways, of course it's not a suicide. I know that."

Jimin frowned.

"Then why did you close the ca—"

"I was asked to, Mr. Park. By higher officials. But I know that there's something going on in that college."

"Certainly, Sir. And I kn—"

"Look, if you're willing we can work on this case together."

Jimin looked at him with a bright smile.

"Most definitely, Sir. But I want you to tell me whatever you know."

"Okay." Namjoon said and opened the file. He looked through the pictures and found out the least horrifying one. He laid it in front of Jimin.

"You see this?" Namjoon said and pointed at the red line, dripping with blood around Yoongi's neck. Jimin already wanted to throw up and cry. He could feel his stomach churn. Yoongi's eyes were half lidded, revealing his whites, skin pallid from the lack of blood circulation, drops of blood dried around his chapped white lips.

"Yes." He breathed out.

"This is an indication of choking. When we went in he was hung on the ceiling fan. But like everyone said, not with a rope."

Jimin frowned deeper.

"With a phone charger."

Jimin's eyes widened as he stared at Namjoon in shock.

"Pretty shocking, isn't it?"

Jimin was still frozen. "Bu-t why? Why would anyone even kill Yoongi?" Jimin breathed out. Namjoon shrugged.

"No idea. But I know there is a link between his death and the previous...um death in your college."

"The guy in the arts room?"

"You are aware of that?"

"Certainly, Sir."

So Jimin was right. After that he said his greetings to Namjoon, promised him to share any information he gets and left the station. He went to his college and sneaked into his dorm.

He was so confused.

Right now, he had no idea why Yoongi was killed. Only if he knew that, he could find out anything.


Maybe something was in Yoongi's room.

Jimin rushed to the dorm warden. Their new dorm warden.

"Mr. Song, I have to get inside dorm number 18!" Jimin said hastily. The warden looked at him weirdly.

"Okay, but who lives there again?"

"No one as of now. That's Min Yoongi's room. And I need to get inside that."

"Min Yoongi? As in the kid who died?"


The warden looked alerted and turned to give Jimin a sharp look.

"The HoD has ordered to not allow anyone to enter that room, kid."

"But Sir! Ple—"

"And Min Yoongi's door number is not 18, son. It's 15."

At that, Jimin froze. Because he was damn sure Yoongi's number was 18. He had been his crush for a long time to know which was his room. But he also knew that the warden was new. He didn't know the dorms thoroughly. But no one would forget the room of a dead person. And that room was 15? How?

Without saying another word he sprinted upstairs and stood in front of Yoongi's room.

The number plate was 18. Didn't the warden just say 15? What the—

Right in front of his eyes, it turned to 15.

What did that mean? Why were the old numbers changing every time he looked at them?

What did that mean? Why were the old numbers changing every time he looked at them?

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