Chapter 8.

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A tall young women was standing there in front of him smiling.

Jimin's eyes were widened as he stared at the figure.

"Jimin." She whispered, he flinched stepping back.

"Who are you?" He asked, she smiled.

"I'm Yuna. I have news for you." She said in a soft tone, Jimin was utterly confused.

Her smile was bright as she stared at him in silence, she didn't blink or move. She was wearing a black gown it was wispy and it flowed with the wind.

Jimin gulped looking everywhere but her. He needed to do something but he was frozen.

"Look at me." She said, Jimin looked at her. She was no longer smiling, her mouth was in a frown as she slowly opened it letting out a scream. Jimin cringed as his hands went back up to his ears. He ran out of house the woman following him from behind.

"Stop running Jimin!" She screamed, Jimin turned around as the woman stood there with a grin on.

"What do you want?!" Jimin yelled, she smiled walking up to him.

"Someone's going to die soon. Someone close to you, watch your back." She said before a gust of wind blew and she was gone. Jimin was breathing heavy as he fell to the ground.

You came out running up to him.

"Are you okay? What happened?" You asked, Jimin shook his head as tears fell from his eyes.

You held him into your embrace as you sat on the dirt.

"She said someone was going to die soon. Someone close to me." He started crying, you closed your eyes.

"How did she just appear?" You asked, he shook his head.

"She's a Banshee." A voice called out, you looked up to see Byung Ho and Taehyung standing there.

"What? What's that? What are you doing here?" You asked, Byung Ho smirked walking up to you.

Jimin laid in your embrace as he kept his eyes closed.

"A Banshee is a female spirit, she tells supernatural creatures like us when death is near. Well sometimes she does, seems like she made a mess though." Byung Ho said as he chuckled looking around.

There was shattered glass everywhere. Taehyung walked around staring.

"We came to deliver news, the Banshee beat us to it though." Taehyung mumbled.

"Who's died?" You asked, Jimin pulled away staring into oblivion. He didn't even care that the werewolves were on his property.

"No one, but some of our pack members haven't came home yet, and I'm guessing one of them is going to end up dead." Taehyung said.

You sighed looking away, you thought of someone and you stared back at Taehyung.

"Namjoon isn't one of them right?" You asked worried, Jimin looked over at you frowning, Taehyung shook his head.

"No, but Bora is." He whispered. You felt a punch right to gut right when he said her name. She was the sweetest.

"Oh no. I hope she's okay, do you know where she's at?" You asked, Byung Ho stepped in and nodded.

"Yes, we've already sent some pack members up there, there is two others with her. Her mom stayed back at the pack house but if Bora dies her mother with go crazy. Bora is all she has." He said. You sighed looking down. You turned around staring at all of the busted windows.

"What are we going to do about this?" You whispered. Jimin sighed looking at you.

"I'll get it fixed, Yoongi should be here soon with the others. You guys should probably leave." Jimin whispered before standing up.

Byung Ho chuckled before walking back to the car Taehyung  following behind.

"We will see you guys later well.... We'll see Y/n later." Byung Ho said before winking at you and getting into the car, they then started their car and left.

Jimin groaned looking around. "Banshee bitch left a mess, Y/n I'm sorry I didn't protect you. I'm suppose to bed the head of this house and I was scared." You shook your head walking over to him hugging him tightly.

"No, you never have encountered this. It's fine. Byung Ho said she didn't appear always, but we know now, okay?" You said. Jimin nodded before pecking your lips.

Yoongi and the other vampires arrived and examined the house, Yoongi knew what a Banshee was because he's experienced one, he said they're rare and that they only appear at random times.

He also said that a Banshee's scream is harmful to a vampire and that's why Jimin felt as if he was in a trance.

You and Jimin went back to your apartment as the others decided to stay and focus on the house.

You and Jimin arrived at the apartment late at night and decided to crash early.

You both fell asleep right when you hit the bed, you both slept peacefully.


You woke up early, you decided you were going to go see Namjoon since Taehyung said the news about Bora would be released today.

You hoped she was okay, she was your best student. She was sweet and she was gorgeous and she was going to get so far in life.

You arrived at Namjoon's around 10 a.m. Namjoon met you at the front doors and invited you in. You didn't even care about seeing Byung Ho anymore.

You walked into the living room where everyone was seated, many had there heads down and were talking quietly. Namjoon stood in front of everyone who was seated on the couches.

"So yesterday, the vampires were notified about a death. The Banshee said that it was someone close to him that could have been received as someone physically was or emotionally was. It was physically, one of our pack mates have been found dead everyone." Namjoon said as his voice cracked, you could tell he wanted to cry.

Everyone in the room looked upset, some were even crying a little.

"Who is it?" Taehyung asked quietly. Namjoon sighed gulping.

"Moon Bora, Bora was found dead today everyone. She was hit by a car in her wolf form." The room went silent, until a loud cry came from a women you were assuming was her mother.

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