Chapter 13.

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You walked over to your lover laying beside him, his eyes fluttered open as he turned and looked at you. You smiled faintly.

"Hey, I didn't mean to wake you." You whispered, he shook his head sighing.

"We're declaring war on Namjoon's pack." He said as he sat up, your heart stopped as you sat up with him.

"What no, why?" You asked worriedly, Jimin sighed looking at you. "Baby, it's obvious. They're too much trouble. We need to kill that pack off once and for all."

You froze hearing him say kill. Was he really going to try and kill Namjoon and his pack? You shook your head.

"Jimin please don't please just let it be!" You yelled, Jimin's eyes widened as he stared at you as you became upset.

"Not all of the pack members are bad! Namjoon isn't even bad!" You cried out, Jimin scoffed looking away.

"Why're you protecting him?! Do you even know what he has done to this coven in the past? Way before you were even in the picture? Don't even get me started." He said as he stood up walking to the door. You sighed following him from behind.

"Jimin, I just- I just don't want you to get hurt possibly even killed. Namjoon is incredibly strong and so is his pack. Please just drop it." You asked as he turned around, you bit your lip.

Jimin scoffed, "Do you honestly think I give a fuck? He killed his own not once but twice now! And you have the guts to tell me to drop it? You're lucky I have not already of done this! Because, all you do is go over there and you're lucky I have tolerated that for this long and I'm done." Jimin gritted out, you sighed looking away.

"I'll stop going over there, but please don't do this Jimin." You whispered, Jimin sighed placing his hands on your shoulders.

"Baby.... We have to go to war. I'm sorry but that's final." Jimin said as he let his arms fall down to his sides.

You sighed as you shut your eyes tightly, Jimin walked away to the door before leaving the room.

You shook your head, "What do I do?" You whispered to yourself. Should you warn Namjoon? You knew deep down that you shouldn't but you felt like you should. So that's what you were going to do. You were going to tell him.

You left the bedroom hurrying down the hall way as Yoongi came out from the side staring at you as you passed him by, he followed after you as he called your name. You sighed turning around.

"What." You gritted out, Yoongi frowned looking at you.

"Chill out, why're you running. Are you okay?" He asked, you nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, I just have to go. I have to go do something."


"None of your business!" You yelled, you turned around running out of the coven.

Yoongi turned around walking to go find Jimin. He walked to the office door opening it as Jimin was sitting there reading a book. He looked up as he raised a brow. Yoongi sighed as he sat down.

"Y/n bolted out of the house, I tried to stop her but she got mad and left when I asked her where was she going." Jimin stood up before running out the door.

"Fuck." Jimin groaned as he ran outside looking for you, but you were already gone. He knew what you were doing and it made his blood boil.


You drove down the road shortly turning onto the gravel path. You kept going until you arrived at the pack house, you got out of the car hurriedly as you seen Byung Ho outside, he smirked seeing you rush to the door.

He went to stop you but before he could you interrupted saying, "Now isn't the time Byung Ho, get the fuck out of my way." You said before shoving him out away from the door frame.

He stared at you shocked, you groaned walking inside. You looked around trying to find Namjoon. There still was so much to the house you haven't seen. But, you decided to try and see if Namjoon was in his room.

You walked down the hall arriving at his room before opening it without knocking, you walked inside seeing him not in there. You sighed before hearing his bathroom door open, you froze seeing not Namjoon but Taehyung walk out.

Taehyung stared at you confused.

"Uh why're you in my room?" He asked. You stared at him not answering. You looked around seeing that this wasn't Namjoon's room.

"Oh.... I guess you're right...." You mumbled, Taehyung scoffed walking to his bed.

"Why're you here though? Namjoon went on a hunting trip." Taehyung mumbled, You nodded. Well maybe you should just wait then for Namjoon to come back.

"You came here for a reason Y/n, what is it?" He asked again, you sighed looking away.

"I'll just tell Namjoon when he gets back, when is that?" You asked, Taehyung shook his head before a knock came from outside the room. Taehyung looked behind you as the door opened seeing Byung Ho walk in. You rolled your eyes. He smirked.

"Well I be damned, looks like Y/n has eyes for Taehyung now don't she?" He chuckled, you shook your head biting your lip. You were just going to say it, Byung Ho really wouldn't let you leave now.

"Look. Jimin told me he is going to declare war with you guys. I just thought you guys should know....." You blurted out, the room grew silent as Taehyung and Byung Ho eyed you.

"Well fuck. That was unexpected." Byung Ho whispered, Taehyung scoffed looking at the window.

"Thanks for letting us know. I thought you'd be on Jimin's side." Taehyung said, you frowned.

"I am. But, Namjoon is my friend." Byung Ho laughed.

"Are you serious? Y/n you do realize that what you've been doing is more than just a friend ordeal. No one connected to the other side has friends from the enemy side." Taehyung said. You bit your lip shaking your head.

"Well I love Jimin. I would never betray him."

"Well sorry to brake it to you darling but you kinda just did." Byung Ho said, you shook your head looking at Taehyung. He nodded.

"Yeah you kind of just did. I agree with Byung Ho." He said, you scoffed shaking your head.

"Ok then how?" You asked.

"You just came and warned your lovers enemies that he declared war on us. What the fuck Y/n that's pretty clear that you just betrayed him and his coven. And if he looses and ends up dying. I have to say the blood is on your hands." Taehyung said as he walked to the door. You closed your eyes tightly as the other two males left thee room.

You mumbled to yourself....

"What the fuck did I just do?

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