Chapter Seventy Seven

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Arav's POV

I was having a meeting about our new project when someone barged in my cabin without any permission, I was about to shouted on that person when I heard her voice.......

"I have something really important to talk about right now,"

I looked at her she was looking little tense, there must be something really important otherwise she would not be come like this.

I looked at the peoples with whom I was discussing our new project they were also looking at Anku and me,

"You all go for now we will talk about this some time letter," I told the peoples and and left after nodding.

I stand from my seat and went towards her, she was still standing at the same place after coming to my cabin.

I cupped her face and looked into her eyes. I bring her towards the sofa and made her sit on it and took the placed beside her, I was looking at her every action that how she was looking nervous and how she was playing with her duppata, she always done that whenever she wanted to say something important and she was not aware about that how would I react when she will tell me that news. So according to her actions right now I came to the conclusion that this was something really important.

"What happened Anku, tell me," I asked her cupping her face in my hands and made her look at me as she was looking down.

She did not want to look at me and that's when I heard her sniffing, suddenly panic run through my body after hearing her sniff. What happened to her and why was she crying?? That was the question which was running into my mind and I was getting more and more panic.

I quickly pulled her on my lap and hugged her tightly.

"What happened Anku tell me, if you will not tell me then how will I got to know, please baby stop crying and tell you Arav," I said sweet and wiped her tears which running from her beautiful eyes and I really hate that when she cry.

"Arav please do not get angry on me okay," she said.

"Promise baby I will not," I assured her, I could never get angry on her.

"Actually am...... Actually....its that......" She was stuttering too much that I was not able to understand her language.

"Anku relax, take a deep breath and then tell me what happened," I told her and she did what I told her to do.

"Actually from some days I was not feeling well and......" I cut her off.

"What and you are telling me now, I know Anku that I was really busy from few days but I doesn't mean that you will not tell me that you are not well," I told her or scold her a little.

"Listen to me first atleast," she said to me with little irritation and I nodded looking at her mood which was not looking good so it was better to stay quiet for some time and listen to her properly.

After taking a deep breath she started to tell me

"So from few days I was not feeling well so today I went to hospital with Sana for check up......." I tried to say something but she stopped me by putting her finger on my lips.

"I am pregnant Arav," she said looking into my eyes. It took me few minutes to understand what she said actually.

"I am going to be father?" I asked her again for getting confirmation that I heard her correctly.

"Yes," she said with a nod confirming that I did not heard wrong I was really going to be a father. She quietly leave my lap and set beside me on the sofa and I was just looking at her.

"Say something please Arav, I know you told me that we are not ready for kids but it happened, I know you do not want kids right now but, please do not get angry on me," she said ans I got confused like what was she talking about.

"What are you saying baby why would I be angry on you after hearing such a wonderful news, you do not know how happy I am right now I can not able to describe my happiness the feeling which I am feeling right now is very much overwhelming," I explained her 

"But you said we are not ready for kids right now," She said in a low voice and then it clicked me on my mind.

"Anku I told you that time because of some reasons, you still working and your course is also not completed yet and it will be difficult for you to manage everything with kid that is why I said that we are not ready and we will plan kids once you will complete your course so that you can completely focus on you heath," I explained her everything.

"I thought you do not wants kids," she said with a pout.

"Why would I not want kids, it will be a symbol of our love, you do not k ow Anku you made me the happiest man in the world by giving me this news, I am so happy, thank you so much love, thank you so much," I said hugging her to which she reciprocated.

After some time I placed my hand on her belly to feel my baby.

"Hey baby, this is you dad," I said and Anku started to laugh.

"What are you doing," she said still laughing.

"Can you not see I am talking to my baby," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well he/she can not hear you right now," she said and I frowned.

"Why," I asked her.

"Because it is not grown up right now, the baby is just a size of bean right now," she said and I looked at her like was she mad what was she talking about.

"Why my baby is siz of bean, who told you?" I asked her

"The doctor said when I went for the check up," she said.

"Then the doctor must be stupid how can she say that my baby is size of bean, we will go to the best doctor and will check again," I said caressing her belly with a smile.

"She is the best doctor Arav," she said rolling her eyes.

After talking about the reports and instructions which the doctor told her to follow I pack up all my work and went home with her.

She denied saying that she was on half day but I give a deaf ear towards her.

With lots of protest she came with me, now I had a huge responsibility on my shoulder, I have to take care of my two most important people of my life, my wife and my child.

I promise you baby I will be the best father of my child.

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