Chapter Fifty One

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I was driving towards our home When she started to move and opened her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings and realized that she was in the car right now. She adjusted on the seat and set straight.

"When did you finish your work and why did you not wake me up," She asked me looking at my side.

"I finished my work when you were sleeping while watching your beautiful scenery and I did not wake you p because I was watching my beautiful scenery," I replied and she started to blush hard.

"But you could have to wake me up once you finished your work, what if someone saw us and what will Mr. Bansal think about us," She asked.

"If I wake you up then how will I get the chance to hold you in my arms and I do not care what will people say if they see us like that then they will surely say that how much I love my wife," I said with a smile and a wide smile spread placed on her lips.

"I am hungry, where are we going to have dinner?" She asked with a pout.

"Our Home, Today I will prepare the dinner for my dear wife," I said and she looked at me with excitement.

"Really?" She asked with her cheerful voice.

"Of course, my Jaan," I said.

"Yeah," she started to jump like a child and I could just shake my head at her antics.

How could she be that much cute, Yaar?

She wrapped her arms around my hand and placed her head on my shoulder. I gave her a peck on her head.

"I love you," She said.

"I love you more," I replied.

Soon we reached our home, I parked the car in the parking and we entered in our home hand in hand.

"Let's freshen up first then I will prepare the dinner for us," I said and we both went to freshen up.

After freshening up, I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

I decided to prepare Paneer Curry and Rice.

Hey, do not blame me Yaar, I do not know how to make chapati that is why Rice will be the best.

I collected all the ingredients and started to do my work while she set on the dining table and watching me preparing food.

I was engrossed in my work when she came and hugged me from behind.

"I am hungry," She said still hugging me.

"Food is on the way baby," I said

"But I want to eat you, Mr. Thakur," She suddenly said and I stopped working and turn off the stove.

I turn to her side with shock because I could not believe it when my innocent wife became so bold to say such things.

"What did you say?" I asked her not believing her words.

"I said I want to eat you right now," she said and placed her around my neck.

Now how could I stopped myself and deny her wish when my little wife was initiating it.

I quickly placed lips on her started to kiss her with so much passion.

"Jump," I said and she did.

I took her to our room but did not break the kiss. I placed her on the bed and soon we both were in our passion.

After completing our lovemaking session. we both came back to the kitchen.

I completed the leftover work and placed the dishes on the table.

We both were eating our dinner but she was in her thoughts.

"What happen Anku," I asked her.

"Nothing," She replied but I knew that it must be something which was bothering her.

"Anku, you know na, you can not lie to me," I said and she sighed.

"I do not want any other girl near you, I do not like it when they talk about you like that and now that Pragya will also be working with you, I am not feeling good about her working with you, you do not know her Arav she will not be left any chance to come near you," she said and that was when I understand that she was insecure.

I could not blame her I would feel the same if I would be in her place.

I place my spoon at the table and held her hand, she looked at me.

"Come here," I said to which she stood from her seat and I made her sit on my lap.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and placed her head on the crook of my neck. I started to rub her back to make her comfortable.

"Anku look at me," I said and she looked at me.

"Don't you trust me?" I cupped her face and asked her.

"I trust you more than myself Arav," She replied without thinking twice.

"Then why are you insecure, no one can take your place in my life and will never, I am only yours and you are the only mine, do not forget that and about that Pragya and any other girl, they are nothing to me," I tried to make her understand.

"I know and I trust you, I never said this to anyone but I never get good vibes from her and Aisha, and now she will be working with you so I am a little worried," She said.

"Do not worry and do not forget who your husband is, he will never come any evil in between us, for now just be happy that we will be working together for 2 weeks and I can see you the whole day in front of me, you know I miss you all-day, we wok in the same office but still I could not get you informing of me, I could not talk to you there, you know every time I thought to come to you, hug you and kiss you but I had to control myself every time, I miss you every minute and every second" I want her to know how much I love her and remove all her insecurities.

She did say anything just placed her lips on mine and I understand that she trusts me with her whole heart and now her all the insecurities had gone.

I kissed her with all my heart and she did the same.

we apart from each other when we feel out of breath. She placed her forehead on mine.

"I love you and never think that I do not trust you, If I did not trust you then I would not be here with you, it just that I love you to that extended to let you go, I can never imagine my life without you, I was just worried that she will not do anything bad to you to get your attention," she said.

"You will be there to stop her from doing any reckless thing right," I said.

"Of course, what is a wife for, if she ever tries to do something then she will see my wife mode, which only reserved for the bitches like her," She said with rage and I was shocked to hear a cursing word from her for the first time.

"Who is teaching you all this, these days you are becoming so bold and even started to use bad words, where is my innocent Anku gone," I asked her reading my brow.

"Sana," She said with a sheepish smile.

"I have to talk to her she is spoiling my innocent wife," I said with fake anger but I liked this feisty look of her.

"No, No, do say anything to her, it just that I said it in anger and I promise that I will not say any bad word again," She scared a little.

"I was just teasing you Anku and I like this mode of yours but I prefer my innocent Anku more," I said lovingly and she gave me her best smile which I always wanted.

After talking for some random thing we both went to our room and soon we both were in our dreamland.




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