Chapter Eighty Six

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Arav's POV

I do not know why people say that pregnancy period and cravings can make life of a person hell.

I found this period a bless that I could do something for my wife who was carrying my baby.

The one who was carrying a human in her body.

Ankti suffered so much from back pain and feet pain. Her foot always swelling but she never complaint a d if could give her complete rest then it was my love for her.

She had full right to demand anything from me as she was giving me the most precious thing of my life and that was my baby.

I wake up early in the morning to finish my presentation on laptop and I did not why I had to get such an important deal at the same time when Ankti was eighth month that too when her delivery date was nearing.

After completing my work I sent it to Mr. Bansal and shut the laptop.

I looked at my sleeping wife pecked on her forhead before lying down beside her.

Her stomach really become huge due to pregnancy. I caressed her belly loving and kissed on it. My baby......

"Arav," she mumbled in her sleep.

"Yes baby, you want something?, I asked her.

"Hmmm," she nodded her head softly

"Baby wants to have mushroom pasta," she said

"Mushroom pasta, really?" I asked her in astonishment because she never like mushrooms

"I thought you heated them," I added

"Hmmm but our baby is demanding of it, what should I do?" She said with a pout and I chuckled.

"Mushroom pasta is coming in 20 minutes," she smiled brightly at me and it was enough for me to blow my tiredness away.

I had learned cooking just for her because she could demand anything at anytime and she liked my food so much.

It was difficult at the starting when I learned cooking but now I was a pro at it.

I went to the kitchen and prepare the pasta for herb serving it in a plate I took it to our bedroom.

"You mushroom pasta is here jaan," I said and hearing me Ankti smiled brightly in happiness and I placed the try in front of her.

Without wasting any second she started to eat it like a baby.

"It is so delicious Arav, thank you," she said which licking her fingers and I pat her head and kissed her cheek

After breakfast I helped her in getting ready. I never allow her to be alone due to her pregnancy. I always afraid of her slipping and now a days she never stopped me of doing it because she knew that I will not stop and will not listed to anyone.

Once she was ready I complemented her so that she would not get sad about gaining weight. I knew that once she will give birth she will return to her modern like figure because Ankti did not gain weight easily.

I called mom to let her talk with Ankti. As Ankti's delivery date is near mom called her every day to know about her health. Dad was stuck with some work so they coukd not come early and as Ankti's delivery date was in 10 days so they were coming today but Mom still wants to talk to her.

After talking with mom and assuring her hundredths time, I cut the call. After the call I gave Ankti a baby book to read and she fell sleep after reading it for 5 seconds. 

These days she felt to tired that she did not take a minute to fell asleep.

Ankti's POV

"No Mr. Bansal," Arav yelled over the phone disturbing my sleep.

Now a days I felt asleep so much as my deliver date was getting closer.

I became lazy and tired easily. If it was not for Arav's love and care I would have gone crazy due to my weird cravings.

Sometimes I was crying and sometimes I laughing but Arav always try to make me laugh.

He will softly remove my each tear.

"Cancel the meeting," he yelled again.

"I do not care of lose, my wife is pregnant and she needs me," he declared and cut the call and came towards me.

"What happened Arav," I asked placing my hand on his.

He took a deep breath and explain.

"The company with whom I was working in a project from last 2 months suddenly wants my presence in the meeting," 

"You shoukd go," I ordered instantly because he was working very hard on that project and it was very profitable for our company and if we lose it then we had to face a big lose.

"Nope," he shook his head in negative

"I am leaving you alone in this condition and moreover there is no one in this hoise except the maids so it is a big no from my side," he added.

"Arav," I placed my hand on his 

"You are working on this from so many days and this meeting is very important for you, you worked really hard on this," I tried to make him understand.

"Nothing is more important than you, my hard work is not that important that I will leave you alone in this condition, God knows when you started to have pain, I can not leave you alone just because I worked hard on this," He said

"Arav," I chided

"There is still 10 days in my delivery and I want you to attend this meeting and it is my order so you are attending the meeting that's it," I ordered him.

"And leave you alone," he paused and continue "Mom and dad is not here they are coming today but in evening and if I have to attend the meeting then I have to leave right now, please understand baby I can not leave you alone, martha is also on holidays," he said holding my hands.

"I am not alone the maids are here," I snapped at him

"And I do not trust them," he said in the same tone.

"Yokay you do not trust maids but you trust sana and Sameer right, I will call them and told them to take a leave for today and come here till mom and dad come," I said.

He looked at me for some time 

"Please Arav for me, you are not going to office from last month due to my pregnancy and working from home, this is really important for you please attend it for me," I said looking into his eyes.

"No I am not going and that's it," ah this stubborn husband of mine.

"Okay don't go and I will not talk to you and baby will also not talk to you," I declared stubbornly and he looked at me with shocked.

"This is not done Anku," he irritatedly run his hand through his hair.

He sighed and nodded and finally agree to attend the meeting.

"Okay but call Sana and Sameer, I will only go once they will come," he said and quality call Sana and told her every thing.

They both were ready to come and stay till mom and dad come.

"They are coming in 30 minutes, you go and get ready," I said to him.

"You started to blackmail me Anku," Arav said with irritation.

"it is all your fault," I said and giggled he sighed and went to get ready.

Soon Sana and Sameer both come and after gi3 them proper instructions Arav went to attend his meeting.

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