Chapter Seventeen

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I was going to my class with the thought about Arav, He must be very powerful that is why he fired the principle from his job within a blink of an eye, I will ask him when we will go home. But I did not know that I will not need to ask him anything, I will get the answer before asking him.

I was in my thoughts that I did not realize that someone was calling me. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Sana. I felt so happy to see her.

"Where were you lost, I was calling you from last 10 minutes," She said breathing heavily and then I realized that she was running.

Before she could say more I hugged her so tidily and she did the same.

"I missed you Sana, I have lots of things to say to you but before that tell me what happened Sana, why were you running like this," I asked her.

"I missed you too babe but we need to hurry, trusty of this college want all the students to assemble in the college hall, let's go before we will get late," She said to which I nodded in yes and we both headed towards the hall where all the students were already gathered. we took empty seats in front of the stage. where we can easily saw the stage.

"Do you know who is the trusty, I have heard that he is very handsome," Sana said excitedly and a thought suddenly came to my mind but before I could go to the conclusion that hall became silent and we both looked towards the stage where the trusty was standing who was none other than my husband. He was standing with so much power and spreading his handsome aura.

"Wow Ankti, you did not tell me that your husband is the trusty of this college," Sana whispered in my ear.

"I also did not know about it, I also have known just now," I told her while looking at the stage where my husband cum trusty was standing, she nodded in understanding.

We were talking about it when we hear Arav voice from the mic.

"Good Morning students, This is Arav Thakur, I hope you all know me and I am the trusty of this college, I would like to inform you that Mr. Verma will not be your principle anymore, I will be handling the work until we will hear a suitable principle for this college, If you have any issue, you can contact me and if I am not available at that time you can contact the vise principal Mr. Pratham Sharma, I do not want any in-disciplinary act in college, you should know that I am very strict about the discipline. So focus on your study," Arav said and from his looks, anyone can say that he was not joking and I was also very scared from his looks. 

"Okay, you can go back to your classes, thank you for your time, all the very best" By saying this he went from there and all the students started to go to their classes.

I and Sana also went to our class, after the continuous classes it was time for a break, Sana and I went to the canteen for having something. I was very hungry and I can say the same for Sana. 

We set on the empty table. Sana took out her lunch box from her bag and placed it in front of me. she always brings extra lunch for me as she knew that I was not allowed to take lunch to college but I thought that I can do that now.

"So Ankti, tell me about your married life," Sana asked and a smile appeared on my lips.

"I am so happy Sana, they are so sweet and so nice, Arav's parents treat me as their daughter and Arav is so caring but I am scared Sana, I am scared that this happiness will be snatched from me like before," I said with a worried expression.

"Calm down Ankti, if someone will try to snatch your happiness from you, will you let them snatch it," She asked me and I nodded in no.

"You have to be strong, see, you got this happiness after a lot of time and lots of problems, I can say that your Aunty did a good thing to let you marry with Arav, he is such a sweet guy, so you can not let this snatched," She said while holding my hand.

"You are right Sana, I have to be strong and I can not be like before who was just waiting for the happy days, God had given me the best gift in the form of Arav and his parents and I will not let anyone snatch it from me," I said with a determination. 

"That's like my good girl, now come on we have a class in 30 minutes," She said and we finished our lunch.

We were going to our class while chatting but suddenly I realized that Arav was also in college, had he eaten his lunch. 

"Sana you go to the class I am coming in few minutes," I said and walked towards the principal office. 

I knocked on the door and waited for the response, after hearing 'come in' from the other side I open the door and saw that he was doing some on his laptop and talking to someone on phone.

I waited for him to complete the talk when he saw that it is me he said to the person that he will talk later and disconnected the call.

"What are you doing here, did something happen?" He asked while coming towards me.

"Nothing, I was just.......I mean...... Have you had your lunch?" I asked with little hesitation and when I looked at his face he was smiling.

"You are here to asked me this," He asked while raising his brow and I nodded in yes.

"Okay, so the answer is no I have not had the lunch till now, I was busy with some work," He said 

"Why it is already lunchtime," I asked him.

"I will have it in some time, do not worry. Have you had your lunch," He asked me to which I nodded in yes.

"Sana always brings extra lunch for me so I had it with her, sorry, I forgot that you are also here," I explained him

"It's okay and from tomorrow, start to bring your lunch and mine as well we will have together," He said 

"Arav actually, can we not let anyone know that I am your wife, please," I asked him while looking down.

"Why, do you feel embarrassed about being my wife?" He asked me 

"No it is not like that, it's just I do not want people to treat me differently, you do not know about them," I said to him and whispering the last part to myself.

"Okay, now go to your class, I do not like latecomers in my college," He said with a strict tone and I widen my eyes with his sudden change of behavior.

Is he bipolar? 

I quickly run from the office and I can hear his laugh, Oh God, how can he laugh at my stage.

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