Chapter Eighty Five

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After the fearfull incident everything went into calm and it's already past few months.

Priya was in prison for kidnapping and the police also arrested Uncle and Aunty because they were also involved in Priya's plan. They were already in Delhi when priya kidnapped me.

Never in my life I thought that they will stoop this low that they will do kidnap me. 

I knew that they torchered me but I never thought that they could kidnap someone just for some money and property.

Arav told me everything about them and the company shares and property which is now under my name and I could take over it when I will complete my course.

I knew that my uncle tricked me to sign the property papers when I turned eighteen but I did not say anything thinking that they were my family. 

Money was never the think I wanted in my life. i just wanted the love of my family which I never got and I hot that love after my marriage.

I will always be thankful of my uncle and aunty that they made me marry to Arav otherwise my fate would never change.

That was the best think they do for me in this whole lifetime and I will always be thankful for that.

Now my life if going on track.

I am 5 months pregnant now. After my kidnapping Arav hired some 4 bodyguards for me, I told him not to but he did not listen to me and was also supported by mom and dad. He gave them strict instructions to follow me everywhere I go.

Mom and dad stay with us for few days and left to Mumbai when everything settled down.

Mom was agree to leave me alone in this situation but dad have to go back to look after the business and he would be alone at home so I had to pursue her to go back and she reluctantly agree with me request but gave me a long speech and instructions to do and not do things.

Arav was also not left from the speech.

"What are you thinking," I came out from my thoughts hearing Arav's voice who came towards me and set beside me on the bed.

Today was Sunday so we did not have the office. It was afternoon he just finished his work and came back from the study.

"Nothing," I said closing the book which was in my hand but I was in my thoughts.

I placed the book on the side table and lean on his shoulder, he lean towards my lips to kiss me but instantly jerked back away from him and he looked at me with confused face.

"What happened," he asked me.

"You are smelling bad," I said looking away from him.

"What, but I only had lunch and I haven't eat anything after that," he said.

"Yes but I do not like this smell, It's making me nauseous, baby does not like this smell," I pouted.

"Fine, that sleep for sometime, you need to take rest," he said and made me laid down on the bed and tugged me with blanket and started to go to the other side of the bed but I wanted to kiss him, how could he go like that without kissing me.

"But, but I want to kiss you," I wince and he looked at me and licked at his lips and dragged his lower lip in his teeth, my eyes were following his every move.

Shit these harmons.....

"Okay then I will go and brush," he said and walked to the bathroom, Now I really feel bad for him. He looked so tired doing all the work and taking care of me and still doing these things for me.

He never complaints about anything, as if my every wish was his comand.

I feel like I am so cruel.....

No actually my baby is making me do that, I glare at mt stomach.

'Oh, now I see you want to be pampered by you dad and that is way you are making you dad run after you, very bad little one'

I rubbed my belly and talk to my baby.

I waited for Arav so that I can finally kiss him and sleep.

Arav came out of the bathroom, a little drops od water running from his neck to his chest.

He was looking devilishly handsome and making me blush.

He came towards me and I pulled his into me and he chuckled making my eyes narrowed at him.

"Now kiss me," I demand.

"Wow, you sure are turning to be very demanding each passing day," I said and laughed.

My eyes started to tun watery.

" think I am demanding.....and..... do not love me anymore," I started to cry by the time I finished complaining. was just joking.... I love you so much much baby and I love you demand from me, please do not cry," I tried to suppress my smrik.

Oh baby this is all beacuse of you you mom have to trick you dad, you are making you mom evil. I knew this will work as always.

I pout at my baby.

I gace his another innocent look and he quickly went down and kissed me.

"Arav," I moaned as he deepen the kiss a d now he nibbled on my neck.

My grip on his shoulder getting tide and he groaned and deepen the kiss.

And soon enough we both did not have any clothes on our body.........

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