Chapter 35

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The Goodbye Gossip Girl Pt.1

Like everything on the Upper East Side, high school graduation is done a little differently. Who needs pomp and circumstance when you have paparazzi?

High school was officially coming to an end and today was the end of it all. It was graduation day. Anna, Serena and Blair were starting off the day right with a little breakfast.

As they sat in a restaurant, Serena received stares from people reading the morning paper.

"Ever since Gossip Girl broke my arrest, it has been everywhere. Do you know Eric found it in Pravda?" Serena asked the two brunettes as she ran her hands through her hair in frustration.

"You're famous because you got arrested. Of course this happened to you." Blair replied with a sarcastic smile across her face.

"I just can't wait for this day to be over, the end of high school means the end of me on Gossip Girl." Serena sighed in relief.

"Well she has played you more than anyone, you were her first blast, 9th grade if I remember correctly. It involved a white dress, some rain and a recently daft air craft carrier." Anna teased as she leant forward towards the blonde.

"Let's just hope my mug shot is the last thing she ever posts about me." Serena replied to the Hawthorne girl.

"Look on the bright side, Gossip Girl does not report on college, so this is the last day for you to be on her roll." Blair reminded them all.

"Okay, can you just take my mind of me, talk about anything." Serena begged the two brunette girls. Anna looked between her two friends before asking.

"Did he say it like 'I love her' or I love her'?" Anna asked changing her tone of voice with each I love you.

"I totally set myself up for that." Serena realised.

"Yes you did." Blair agreed.

"Anna I don't know why you're acting like this is new information you know how Chuck feels about you." Serena reminded the Hawthorne girl as she rested her arms on the table.

"The problem isn't his feelings, it's his inability to express them to the right person. Who cares who he tells if he doesn't tell me?" Anna questioned looking between the blonde and the brunette. "But moving on from my failed love life, does Noah know that you and Nate broke up?"

"Have you not told him?" Blair wondered as Anna and Serena started to flick through the menu to avoid Blair's glare.

"We don't exactly stay up at night, braiding each other's hair, gossiping about my best friends and their love lives." Anna replied as she looked up from the menu to Blair.

"Then why are we still here? We've already paid the check." Blair recalled as she pulled the menus from the hands of her two best friends.

They all stood up and got ready to leave. Once they walked outside they were immediately bombarded by paparazzi calling Serena's name as the three girls hopped into the back of the Hawthorne family limo.

Anna dropped the two girls off at their homes before heading back to her own to get ready for their high school graduation in a couple hours.

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