Chapter 9

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Blair Waldorf Must Pie!

As per Gossip Girl's Thanksgiving tradition, I'm trading my laptop for Stovetop. And for the next 16 hours the only thing I'm dishing is seconds. When the cat's away, the mice will play. Have fun, little rodents.

Anna walked in to the Waldorf residence in order to help Serena and Blair prepare for Harold Waldorf, Blair's dad, coming home to spend the holidays with his daughter. Anna's family wasn't big on celebrating holidays, like Thanksgiving, due to the fact her father never seemed to be in the country for them.

Anna smiled as the thoughts of last year's fiasco with Serena which involved Anna and Blair dragging her from a bar and convincing Lily that Serena was just getting pie while the girls's mothers were all freaking out over her whereabouts.

"Help me find this recipe before my dad gets here." Blair spoke to the 2 girls who were folding napkins and wrapping up cutlery while Blair took the recipe box from the cupboard.

"Harold Waldorf's famous pumpkin pie." Serena answered as Blair sat down between her best friends at the kitchen island.

"Well it may have been Bobby Flay's but that didn't stop my dad from taking credit for it." Blair replied smiling as she began looking for the recipe and the three teenage girls laughed.

"Well you're in a good mood." Anna spoke as she noticed the happy look on Blair's face.

"Hey it happens. Sometimes when I increase my Lexapro, sometimes when my dad is in town." Blair informed the two as she looked through the recipe box in her knee.

"And sometimes, mostly, because things are good with a boy." Serena finished for the Waldorf girl. It was true. Blair's mood always changed after things were going good with a guy. "You and Nate get back together?"

"Since Gossip Girl published the pictures of him and some skank?"

"So that's a no" Anna confirmed after Blair's previous statement.

"So what's Chuck doing today?" Serena asked as she looked passed Blair in Anna's direction.

"Why are you asking me?" Anna replied confused as to why Serena would directly ask her about Chuck.

"Well you guys are friends. And, Anna, look you know you can tell us anything. I'd be the last person to judge anyone." Serena assured the Hawthorne.

"And with good reason." Blair commented lifting her head from the box.

"Anna I saw you with Chuck." Serena said getting straight to the point and her statement caught Blair by surprise.

"What!" The brunette in the middle of the two exclaimed as she lifted her head to look at Anna.

"I don't know what I was thinking. Sleeping with him once, you could understand, but twice?" Anna spoke more to herself than her best friends as she thought about the night of Victrola and again the night of Blair's 17th birthday party.

"Wait you slept with him?" Serena and Blair asked together with shock written across both their faces.

"Shh!" Anna hushed the two teenagers as if by some chance one of the caterer preparing the food cared about their high school drama.

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