Chapter 30

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Gone with the Will

When most people lose a parent, they inherit sorrow, loss and a closest full of outdated clothes. But on the Upper East Side death's sad chapter comes with a silver lining. Or a gold one if your relatives invested wisely in precious metals.

The reading of both Bart and Andrew's wills came around quicker than anyone wanted to admit. Accepting what they left behind meant accepting they were official gone, which was unfortunately what had to be done.

With both Diana and Noah off visiting Anna's grandparents on her mother's side, the brunette girl was left alone to attend the reading of the wills along with Chuck and Jack.

"Hey." Nate's voice called out as he walked through the gates of the Palace hotel. "Thought you might need some back up."

"Thanks." Chuck replied while Anna offered him a smile. Anna practically had to beg neither of her best friends to come. She wasn't in the mood for anymore sympathy than she had already received regarding her father's passing.

Nate was asked to wait outside while the two children and the older Bass man were invited into a room with the two businessmen's lawyer and Lily's lawyer.

"Now that we're all settled, I would like to offer my deepest condolences. As Mrs Bass is unable to be here today her interests are being represented by her counsel and those of Mrs Hawthorne through her daughter Anna." The will attorney began.

"Now Charles, your uncle, Jack Bass, is your closest living relative and as such had been named as your legal guardian." The man continued. "Are you comfortable with this?"

"Curfew?" Chuck asked.

"None." Jack replied.

"Girls sleeping over?" Chuck wondered.

"Yes please." Jack answered causing Anna to roll her eyes at the two boys who were unfortunately so similar.

"I'll allow it." Chuck agreed.

"We'll be moving on then. Which regards to both Mr Bass and Mr Hawthorne's personal assets. Charles, these will be out into a trust which you will have access to on your 18th birthday while Anastasia yourself and your brother will have these divided between you along with your mother as Mr Hawthorne saw fit."

"And as for Bass Industries?" Jack asked.

Anna had always wondered how her father's share in Bass Industries would fall after his death but she didn't expect to find out so soon. Originally she knew it would probably all go to Noah but considering his derailing and his daughter's growing interest in studying business she wasn't sure if that situation had changed.

"Yes. I was just getting to that. 20% of the company will remain the board's hands. The further 20% will be divided evenly among Mrs Bass and Mrs Hawthorne, resulting in 10% each." The man explained as he fixed his glasses.

"Okay but that still leaves 60%. That's the controlling interest." Jack pointed out.

"Charles. Anastasia. Your fathers asked me to give you these letters." The attorney spoke.

"If I don't read it do I still get my inheritance?" Chuck asked not moving for the envelope.

"Well yes."

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