Chapter 7

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Have you heard Upper East Siders, Burlesque is all the rage again. And sometimes a little raging is exactly what you need. And as always, Chuck's aiming to be ahead of the curve. But let's not get ahead of ourselves...

Chuck and Anna walked into a club in midtown Manhattan as two girls barely wearing any clothes walked out of the main area and towards the front door.

"You want your dad to invest in a strip joint?" Anna asked as they got further into the club and she observed her surrounding of the dully lit club. "How midtown."

"A burlesque club." Chuck corrected the brunette while pointing a newspaper at her. "A respectable place where people can be transported to another time. Where they can feel free to let loose, no judgement, pure escape. What happens at Victorla, stays at Victrola."

Anna looked around the bar area of the club where they were currently stood and took in her surroundings as Chuck finished talking.

"Well it does have franchise potential. Chuck Bass, I do believe all your years of underage boozing and womanising have finally paid off. Truly I am proud." Anna told him as they watched people come and go from the club.

"Well you are my toughest critic. Well third toughest." Chuck spoke referring to their two fathers.

"So, you think our fathers will go for it." Anna asked looking at the Bass.

"It is exactly the kind of innovative thinking upon which the Bass empire was built." Chuck replied as he held out the newspaper he was holding which had a picture of Bart Bass himself on it. "It is perfect. I've been waiting for this."

"We are so late. Are you coming?" Anna questioned referring to school which they we're both missing right now.

"Got to pitch it to Bart." Chuck replied as he held up his folder full of ideas for Victrola. Anna smiled at the brunette boy before heading towards the door.

Chuck stalled for a second clearly trying to think of something else to say to the young Hawthorne girl before words came to mind.

"Victory party. Here, tomorrow."

"I wouldn't miss it." Anna replied without turning around.

"I'll send a car." Chuck informed her as he smiled at her even though she couldn't see him.

"I've got my own." Anna said smiling to herself before opening the door. "Don't be nervous. He's gonna love it."


"So I heard on Gossip Girl that you were having sex with Dan out here." Blair commented as she, Serena and Anna sat on the steps of Constance. "In streaming video."

"Oh, God. Kati and Is filmed us?" Serena sighed at the thought of what happened earlier.

"It's not very High School Musical scandalous." Anna said causing the girls to laugh at her statement. "No they haven't streamed it yet. But I heard it was aggressive."

"I must say. Dan has been surprisingly good at everything we've done." Serena informed her two best friends.

"Which is? Everything?" Blair asked as the two brunettes looked at Serena.

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