Chapter 41

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They Shoot Humphrey's, Don't They?

Anna carefully made her way down the steps from the jet making sure she didn't manage to fall flat on her face. She reached the ground and was immediately greeted by Richard who was waiting for her.

"Miss Anna." The older man greeted the young woman with a smile on his face.

"Hello Richard." Anna replied with a smile matching his as the older man walked with her to the waiting limo.

"How was Shanghai?" The driver asked as he held open the back door for the brown haired girl.

"Busy. But good at the same time." Anna answered before sliding into the back seat as Richard closed the door and made his way towards the driver's seat.

"Everything is sorted then?" Richard wondered as he drove away from the runway and out of the airport.

"Everything is sorted." Anna nodded her head in reply as she watched the view pass by.

The young Hawthorne girl had spent the last few days in Shanghai personally overseeing a Bass Industries expansion project giving her the opportunity to grow her involvement in even the simplest jobs in the company.

Now she was ok her way to Cedar View to help Lily Humphrey with this year's Cotillion Ball a tradition she planned to keep up for many years to come.

She thanked Richard before getting out of the limo, closing the door behind her before heading inside.

Everyone's heads turned as she opened the front door and walked inside the hall. Girls giggled and gushed at being in the presence of what was considered Upper East Side royalty and the boys simply smiled and acted cool although inside they were all dying.

Anna simply smiled before the sound of her phone ringing in her bag caught her attention. She reached inside to remove it and immediately answered after seeing the name on the screen.

"How's mentoring going?" Chuck's voice spoke through the phone as Anna placed it against her ear.

"I forgot how much I like being the centre of attention." Anna replied referring to moments ago when everyone's eyes were on her.

"I highly doubt that." Chuck teased causing the brown haired girl to laugh. "How was Shanghai?"

"Everything went great. How about we have dinner later to celebrate?" Anna wondered as she looked around the room at high school juniors watching her as they conversed.

"I can't. It's Nate's move in day remember? We're celebrating with a lost weekend." Chuck informed his girlfriend as he laid on the couch of the penthouse in the Empire.

"Lost weekend and Cotillion? It's like high school all over again." Anna spoke just as she noticed Lily smiling and waving at her. "Actually I'll probably go to dinner at the van der Woodsen's for the debutants. Enjoy your lost weekend."

"Don't I always?" Chuck replied and she knew he was teasing her.

"Not in that way." Anna told her boyfriend as she slightly rolled her eyes and smiled. "Goodbye Charles."

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