Chapter 8

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Seventeen Candles

"Forgive me father for I have sinned." This was the last place Anna Hawthorne expected to find herself today but when she stepped outside of her home she just let her feet guide her and this was where she ended up. "It's been a while since my last confession."

"What troubles you, my child?" The priest on the other side of the confession box asked the teenager. Anna sighed, she thought about what happened between her and Chuck in the back of his limo last night, before she spoke up again.

"Truth is, I'm not even Catholic." She confessed to the holy man in the box next to her.

"You don't say." The priest replied to her.

"But losing my virginity to Chuck Bass, none of my friends will ever understand. Or my parents either for that matter. I'm ready for my punishment. Whatever you and God think is fair."

"How about some food for thought. Don't drink, keep your clothes on, try avoiding those who might cause you to stray." The priest informed the brunette teenager in the box beside him.

"Oh I plan too. Thank you father. That was very good advice." Anna answered before leaving the confession box and the church.

The brunette placed her sunglasses on and crossed the street after exiting the church and quickly noticed the familiar black limo pull up along side her as she walked down the sidewalk.

"Well this is the last place I'd expect to find you." Chuck spoke as he rolled down the back window of the limo in order to see Anna's face.

"Go away Chuck." Anna replied as she took her sunglasses off. "I've been given orders practically from God himself to avoid you."

"Would you consider avoiding me over breakfast?"

"Sorry but I'm heading down to the jewellers where Blair put her birthday things on hold for myself, Serena, Eleanor and-"

"Nate." Chuck finished. "Yeh I don't think he'll be singing "Happy Birthday" this year."

"And why would that be?"

"Didn't you hear? Blair got down and dirty with someone last night after her and Nate broke up."

"Chuck no one knows that Nate and Blair broke up expect us so if I were you I'd keep your mouth shut cause Blair said she's trying to fix things between them." Anna informed the Bass Boy.

"Well anyway, enough of them, back to us." Chuck spoke as she held up the clip that Anna had in her hair last night.

"From this moment forward the events of last night will never be mentioned again, is that clear?" Anna answered as she grabbed her clip and shoved it into her bag.

"Not as clear as the memory of you purring in my ear, which I have been replaying over and over." Chuck teased the teenage girl as she continued walking with the limo crawling along beside her.

"Well, erase the tape, because as far as I'm concerned, it never happened." Anna said firmly as she came to a stop.

"I'll see you at Blair's party tonight." Chuck told her.

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