Chapter 3

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Poison Ivy

There's plenty of upside to being the spawn of the fabulously wealthy. But the downside? Super successful parents expect nothing less from their offspring. And when it comes to college, that means the Ivys. It's more than just getting into college, it's setting a course for the rest of your life. And for those few who aren't legacies, the pressures are no less. When parents have sacrificed for their children's futures, what kid would want to let them down?

Anna was up before Elena had time to come in and wake her up this morning. She was sat in her Constance uniform, positioned in front of her dressing table mirror applying blush and mascara to her face as the maid entered the room.

"Miss Anna. You're up very early this morning." Elena spoke as she entered the teenager's bright bedroom to find the brunette girl up and dressed for school already.

"It's the last day of Ivy Week, Elena." The young girl replied as she finished applying her blush to her cheeks.

"Ah yes. Silly me. Anyway, your breakfast is ready." Elena said before leaving the room and Anna to her thoughts.

Anna took a deep breath while she looked at herself in the mirror. This past week was really important. You see, Ivy Week is when representatives from each of the Ivy League Schools came to Constance and St Jude's to meet the students and give them a chance to find out about the schools, the majors and programs that they offered there. The week was finally over and all that was left was the Annual Constance/St. Jude's mixer. St. Jude's offered the 8 ushers for representatives and Constance organised the event, just like always.

Having successful parents came with a price and the teenagers of the Upper East Siders knew that better than anyone. They expect nothing less from you and Anna Hawthorne's parents are no different. Andrew Hawthorne had attended Dartmouth while his wife, Diana, attended Yale.

It was always written in the stars that Noah Hawthorne would attend Dartmouth just like his father had before him, and his grandfather before him. But after what happened with Noah going off the rails both of Anna's parents had decided that they would be happy no matter which of the Ivy's Anna decided to attend.

Upon hearing this decision Anna had began to explore what Columbia University could offer her as it's where she had always wished to go. Her plan was to speak to the representative of Columbia at the mixer and hoped to really wow them.

Anna headed downstairs to find her parents sitting at the dining table enjoying their breakfast. The youngest Hawthorne took her seat at the large marble table and began to grab a croissant and some mixed fruit to put on the plate in front of her.

"Are you excited for the mixer dear?" Diana asked her daughter as Elena poured her more coffee into the cup beside her.

"Very. I can't wait to speak to the Columbia Representative and see all that it has to offer." Anna replied as she put some fruit from the bowl onto her spoon.

"That's wonderful. Well, I'll be there to so if you need anything just ask. And don't forget-"

"Yale is always a backup." Anna rhymed off looking at her mother.

"Exactly." Diana smiled back at her daughter. Diana Hawthorne was a member of the Yale Alumni Association meaning that if things went down hill that she would be able to put in a good word with Yale for her daughter but Anna planed to do this on her own without her parents help.

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